《> Namjoon <》

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Once upon a time, in a dark place... There was a light. A bright light, shedding hope in the quiet arena.

In the light, stands a figure. This figure is tied to strings, made of the most perfect of wood, painted with the shiniest paint.

There was a smile on the marionette's lips, its strings moves perfectly with his movements.

For his master controlled him well.

But now...

All has changed.

One day, the marionette can't feel his strings being lifted. It can't feel his arms start to follow.

His wooden eyes open on their own. It reveals a dark cold room with cobwebs and dust.

To its horror he finds it the storage. The complete back. The garbage room.

He has been thrown away.

Anger rushes through his wooden arms as he moves his splintered body. His oak fingers grab the ripped wallpaper and pulls himself up. Wobbly without his strings.

His anger rises when he starts to slowly take one step after another.

He finds a mirror and decides to take a look.

His sight is horrendous.

His once beautiful hair is tangled and messy, dirty with dust. His paint scraped off his splintered and split wooden limbs. One of his eyes is gone of color, his clothes all ripped. His strings...

His strings are cut.

Someone freed him.

His wooden limbs have feeling. He feels his emotion. He's no longer a marionette, but a doll.

A living piece of thrown away art.

Running a shaky hand over his cracked cheek, split arm, hurt eye... He feels furious rage.

It shows in him.

His body starts to shake, his hands clenching. His mind has thoughts.

Evil thoughts...

He's going to find the man who put him away and kill him.

Let's see how the ringmaster likes it in the back.


This doll's name was Seokjin. His name once known everywhere the circus went.

The circus found a building, and he was set. On every poster with pride.

A puppet show had never been so tempting.

But now. Now Seokjin is angry. His body is torn and broken. But most importantly, his strings. His strings hang in short little ropes at his limbs, the rest laying in a tangled mess.

He has never been able to walk on his own. But now, he must.

Seokjin looks down at his legs. He lifts one of them carefully, stepping forward. A quiet yelp escapes him, cracking through his knee.

He moved forward, but it wasn't easy. Without his strings, he won't be able to move properly.

He frowns looking over.

He gasps a little, looking further into the storage.

Body parts... Doll body parts. Other marionette bodies, plushies. They're all broken and torn apart.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now