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junkyu explained everything to jeongwoo, he told him about asahi and those words he uttered.

jeongwoo immediately took his phone out and texted haruto.

you : ruto, do you know any asahi?

ruto : asahi? yes, he's our children best friend.

you : childhood best friend? so, he's really close with you?

ruto : hmm, yes but mashiho and him are closer while i'm more closer to yoshi...?

you : now who the fuck is yoshi?

ruto : he's also my childhood best friend

ruto : wait a minute

ruto : are you jealous?

you : me? no tf.

ruto : aww, my woo is jealous

you : ew, stop calling me woo.

ruto : jelly, jelly~

you : die

jeongwoo put the phone, his face red. of course, he wouldn't tell haruto he was jealous. besides, he wasn't even jealous

"jeongwoo-ah, it's not good to be so jealous so early in your relationship." said junkyu, who was sitting on the sofa munching on an apple.

"shut up and i didn't even say anything to you."

"you do realise that body language is a thing right?"


junkyu was about to retort when he heard a ping on his phone. he sent down his apple and picked up his phone.

it seemed like he had gotten a message from his client

jaehyuk : hey, this is asahi. i didn't have your contact number so i had to use his phone. can we talk for sometime?

junkyu frowned at the screen. he didn't want to talk to this guy, whoever he was. but he was their guide after all, too.

junkyu : is it something important?

jaehyuk : i classify it as something important, so would be please be able to come?

junkyu : sure

jaehyuk : okay, come to komatsugawa koen at 8.

junkyu was about to surprised at how he knew the location but he figured out that he was japanese

junkyu : sure

junkyu got up from the couch and said, "I'm going out for sometime. you can eat, don't wait for me."

jeongwoo nodded in reply and resumed watching t.v

the walk to the park took junkyu around 30 minutes. he would never say it out loud but he was scared as to what asahi had to tell him. his heart was already broken enough.

he reached the park and saw asahi waving at him. he bowed down a bit and walked towards him.

" i lowkey didn't expect you to come."

"you're my client, i had to come" said junkyu as he took a seat next to asahi on the bench.

" i'm really not the kind to beat around the bush, so here's the thing. i know whatever happened between you and mashiho. and i know because i have been his childhood best friend."

junkyu was suprised. he didn't know that.

"and i also know that in both of your relationship, there are a lot of holes. the biggest hole is communication. i guess, you both have never talked it out. but i am not blaming it on you. i know it's entirely mashi's fault but at the same time you can't really hate him for that."

junkyu looked away from asahi. what asahi said was right, no matter what, junkyu could never bring himself to hate mashiho.

"mashiho has always been inside the house and to be honest, the only humans he has ever had contact with is me, haruto, his brother and his mom. and after he came to tokyo, you and your friend. so, when he developed these feelings for the first time, he was scared. scared, that you might leave him and go. for him, talking it out was never an option. he was afraid you'd reject him. so, he did what he thought was the best and that was running away.

but what he didn't expect was running away to hurt too. that's what he told me. he was so confused because, if he talked to you and you rejected him it would hurt but he didn't expect being away from you to hurt too. that's how much he loves you.and you've shown him a completely different side of the world. you took him to places, made him meet new people, you can't blame him for falling in love with you right.

i know, you don't have to reciprocate his feelings but please, just as a human please let him down slowly. don't break his heart even more than its broken. please don't break it beyond repair."

junkyu just stared. he felt like a terrible person. how? how could he forget about mashiho and his insecurities? without even thinking about that, he gave up. he forced himself to develop a feeling of hate towards mashiho.

"i" said junkyu "love him too. but i don't deserve him. i can understand his reasons for being selfish but i was the same too. i should've not given up on him because i knew about his insecurities, yet i forced myself to hate him. i don't deserve him."

asahi smiled at junkyu. they both were so pure at heart and asahi couldn't think for a better person for mashiho.

"junkyu, trust me. you deserve him. you both deserve each other and i'm sure of that. but, before i leave, i have one favor to ask of you."

"what is it?"

"please don't give up on him."

"i would never"


this book is nearing it's end, can you believe it? anyways, how'd you like the update?

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