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It didn't take a genius to figure out and mashiho was no boo-boo the fool. The way junkyu described love was exactly was he was feeling, there couldn't be a more accurate description than that.

Mashiho looked at junkyu as if trying to figure him out, does he know that i love him? Does he even like that way?

A feeling of dread came over mashiho, what if Junkyu didn't like him? It scared mashiho how much the feeling being unloved affected him because all of his life, he was smothered with love. Of course, junkyu was his first love and crush but he was never sort of any other kind of love. His parents and best friends always said yes to his wishes and he had never faced rejection.

"So, did you like this place?" asked Junkyu.

"I do, but it's history is somewhat depressing."

Junkyu chuckled and said, "We don't even know if it's true. The story has been passed down from years and has probably been modified a million times."

"There is that but junkyu, tell me one thing. What is worse, losing someone who loved you and who you loved or not being loved back by the one you love?"

A twinge of sadness was laced in mashiho's voice as he said this, he knew there was no way junkyu actually liked him because mashiho quite literally punched him on the face the first day they met and, mashiho has been nothing but a pain in the ass for junkyu with all his social anxiety.

"I don't know, both are equally worse. Imagine knowing what it feels like to be loved and then losing or never knowing what it feels like to be loved. The world can be a cruel place, you know." said junkyu.

"But you said it was going to be paradise."

"I never said that, i said i was willing to make the world a paradise for you."

That one sentence sounded so romantic and so dream-like. It made mashiho feel like someone in the world was willing to do anything to make him happy but junkyu was only a guide.

There was a silence between them for some time. The only sound that could be heard was the calm falling of water and a distinct chatter of people who were visiting the temple.

Mashiho was drowning in his thoughts and junkyu seemed to notice. He always seemed to notice things about mashiho.

"Mashi, you fine? We can go back if you like."

Mashiho looked at junkyu, his eyes wide. Junkyu called him mashi and boy, did it do dangerous things to him.

"Oh sorry, if you don't want me to call you that, i won't."

"No, no. it's fine. I, umm, don't mind."



"Then let's go somewhere and eat."


Junkyu was going through, what some people would call an "emotional roller coaster". His feelings were so messy all because of one guy named, mashiho.

He had with the terms of the fact that he was in love with mashiho but there were so many other things he realised once he came to that conclusion.

His discussion with mashiho about not being loved back scared him beyond reason. Mashiho was the first guy he ever actually fell in love with. The other guys were just mere crushes. Mashiho was something junkyu never ever wanted to lose. He would try to tell himself to stop before he got too attached but junkyu knew it was already too late. A chapter titled mashiho had already begun in his life.

They were on their way to eat and a solemn silence had settled between them. The two of them were too drowned in their own thoughts to speak to each other.

"What do you want to eat?" junkyu asked. They were at an italian restaurant that offered japanese pastas (yes, that's actually a thing) and junkyu really wanted mashiho to try those.

"I was wondering, can we visit my grandparents?"


Another update, also I LOVE YOU was lit and i think yoshi is my bias right now, i was so wrecked. and i-land's last episode is today. Gosh, im so excited.

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