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Haruto was sad but he wasn't going to let it show. His best friend didn't need to know about his unwanted feelings.

Unfortunately, the day came to an end and both mashiho and haruto made their back to jeongwoo and junkyu's shared apartment.

The rang the door bell and jeongwoo opened the door, giving haruto and mashiho a welcoming smile. For a second, haruto felt his sadness go away. It was like jeongwoo's smile had to the ability to wash away all of haruto's sadness.

Haruto shook his head as if trying to get rid of this absurd thought.

"Come in" said jeongwoo and as they walked into the house, they saw junkyu lazily lying on the couch sleeping.

"Ah, that's all he's been doing today. He loves to sleep but he can't really sleep because he has work."

Jeongwoo walked over to junkyu and harshly pushed him off the couch, "get up you lazy ass"

Junkyu pouted cutely and said, "noooooo, i don't want to. Some more time please."

Jeongwoo mercilessly walked to the kitchen and grabbed a jug of cold water and without hesitation poured it on his best friend. Haruto and mashiho looked at each other, shocked.

"AH" junkyu yelled, finally getting up and looking at his now soaked clothes. "You're so mean, jeongwoo"

"You're fault for not getting up."

"Ugh" said junkyu as he went into his room to change into his clothes. After 5 minutes, he came back and said, "now what?"

"Aren't we going back to the hotel?" said mashiho. He wanted to go to back with junkyu and spend time just with him. It felt satisfying spending time with junkyu and though mashiho had no idea what he was feeling, he just wanted to be around junkyu.

Junkyu looked a bit taken aback by the sudden question but he quickly said, "yeah, sure"

Mashiho turned to haruto and said, "what hotel are you staying at?"

"Umm, i didn't book a hotel yet."


"Shit, i completely forgot. Let me search for one real quick."

Suddenly, jeongwoo said, "you could stay here. Junkyu anyways won't be here and i doubt you are going to be here for long, so...?"

Haruto made eye contact with jeongwoo and something about that eye contact made him say yes.

"Wait really? Thanks for the offer."

"Well, since that's settled" said junkyu "we'll get going."

Junkyu grabbed mashiho's hand and they both left, haruto's eyes following their entwined hands with a pang in his chest.


They both were sitting in the train, which was luckily not very crowded considering it was one of the last trains.

"So, how was your day?" junkyu said, trying not to sound bitter. Jeongwoo was a fun person to be with but junkyu couldn't do anything but sleep when his head was filled with mashiho.

"It was fine. We just talked and ate. Oh right! I ordered all by myself without haruto's help."

"Really" said junkyu, impressed by mashiho's progress. "That's cool"

"Isn't it? I can't wait to go to more places. With you."

There he goes again thought junkyu as mashiho pulled his heartstrings. Those simple words had such a big effect on his heart. If mashiho continued like this, it was likely that in a couple of days junkyu would die from a heart attack.

Junkyu smiled at mashiho, fondness filling his heart.


It was awkward. Of course, it would be. The two barely knew each other yet jeongwoo offered haruto to stay at his place.

It had also not gone under his notice how haruto's eyes lingered on mashiho's and junkyu's intertwined hands when they left.

"You can sit on the couch, i'll just prepare the ramen and come." said jeongwoo as he went into the kitchen and started preparing the ramen (there wasn't much to prepare in instant ramen anyways). Within minutes, after the ramen was done, he carried two bowls of it to the living room where haruto was sitting on the couch.

"You know" said jeongwoo as he sat down next to haruto "i'm very observant"

"Okay, so?"

"I know you like mashiho as something more than a friend."

Haruto looked at jeongwoo in shock. He wasn't expecting that for sure. He scratched his neck uncomfortably and said, "was i too obvious?"

"You, no. but junkyu and mashiho definitely are. Have you seen the love eyes they give each other?"


"It's fine. Trust me you'll get over it. I don't know if this will make you feel better but i used to have a huge crush on junkyu but i never got the guts to tell him because i was afraid i would lose our friendship. So, i kept it all inside and after sometime i got over him. Cool, right?"

Haruto smiled in the direction of jeongwoo. Jeongwoo scooted a bit closer to haruto and put his arm around haruto's shoulder.

"Let's watch a sappy romance film to make yourself even more miserable."

Haruto laughed and for the first time in a long time, jeongwoo felt the warm feeling bubble inside him like he had felt when he was with junkyu.


The poster look so good, could i fall any deeper in love? Also, wow i updated on a weekend, isn't it shocking?

While you wait for the next update, go check out my other books (shameless promo, yes) they aren't bad, i guess

Anyways, keep reading, commenting, voting and streaming



パラダイス | PARADISE | mashikyuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें