じゅう に

428 35 2

it felt nice to be back in his homeland. haruto took a deep breath of the fresh tokyo air. after a flight one would expect haruto to be tired but he was completely energised.

yes, a small part of him was worried about mashiho. actually scratch that, a huge part of him was worried about mashiho but yeah, it did feel nice to back at his homeland.

he opened his phone and opened the site, kawaiitravelguide.jp and called their number.

"hello?" the person on the other side said, in korean. haruto heard a gasp and then, "ahh, gomenasai. watashiwa jihoon desu. nankao sagashidesu ka?" (ahh, sorry. i am jihoon. can i help with something?)

haruto laughed and said, "daijoubu. kankokugo de hanasu koto ga dekimasu. watashiwa nihongo yori kankokugo ka suki desu." (it's fine, you can speak in korean. i prefer korean over japanese)

jihoon let out a sigh and said, "thank god. anyways, what can i help you with?"

"so, one of my friend is here and he is booked with a guide of yours. his name is mashiho and i believe his guide's name is kim junkyu. i wanted to know where they are living. mashiho never responds to texts and i wanted to see him."

"hmm, i am afraid i can't reveal such personal information to you for the safety of our clients."


"hmm, let me see what i can do. can you come to our office?"


"okay then. thank you. i will be expecting to see you at the office, mr...?"



and the call was cut. haruto quickly called a cab and was on his way to the office.


after going to the convenient store and then eating at a restaurant the previous day the pair didn't do much. junkyu felt like mashiho had done a great job on the first day and didn't want to wear him out.

"what are we doing today?" mashiho asked, lying down on the bed reading some magazine.

"i am not sure. where do you wanna go?"

"home" mashiho deadpanned.

"well, no can do so give me a legit location in tokyo."

"i don't know, let's go somewhere where we can take pictures. i wanted to take some pictures."



"what is it?"

"you'll get to know, now quickly dress up."


and mashiho did exactly that. he quickly dressed and was sort of excited because junkyu looked so excited.

"can you tell me where we are going?"

"nah, it is going to be a surpri--" before junkyu could continue his sentence he saw his phone ringing and noticed that it was a call from jeongwoo.




junkyu looked over at mashiho. his plans could wait. "WAIT, IM COMING."

after junkyu ended the call, mashiho said, "what happened?"

"jeongwoo happened."


"we are ditching this plan right now. you're coming with me to my house."

"what? that was not part of the itinerary."

junkyu looked at mashiho and raised his eyebrow. "is anything we do part of the itinerary?"


I know this update is rather short but the next update is probably going to interesting because i have planned quite something ahahaha.

Also, i don't speak japanese but i have been learning the language for over 2 years so if there is any mistakes please point it out!

Keep reading, commenting and voting



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