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"you do know that mashiho loves you, right?"

junkyu froze. what was this guy saying? what kind of a sick joke was this? whatever it was, it hurt.

"sorry?" said junkyu. he was driving and was with his clients, he couldn't break down mid way.

he was just trying so hard to get over him and why...why did this guy have to come here say things like this? how did he know mashiho? how did he know about junkyu?


"asahi?" jaehyuk called out and junkyu was more than glad. he didn't want to talk about it. he wanted to just forget.


jaehyuk lifted his head off asahi's shoulder. "how much more time to the hotel?"
"another 1 and half hour sir."

"HUH? that's so long. let's talk about something, i'm bored."

luckily for junkyu, throughout the car ride, jaehyuk was talking. he seemed to be the kind of person who wouldn't stop once he started talking.

junkyu wasn't complaining though. he didn't want that asahi guy to say a single word to him. it would hurt him beyond repair.


"see you tomorrow" said jaehyuk, waving at junkyu who bowed down politely and walked towards his car.

after driving for sometime he reached his apartment. he didn't bother ringing the bell and opened the door.

"eh? you fought? tsk tsk, that isn't a good thing." he heard jeongwoo say, who was dancing around the room.

oh right. that


[ flashback one day before haruto left to korea ]

jeongwoo and haruto were sitting in the apartment. junkyu seemed so utterly heartbroken and for the first time, jeongwoo didn't know how to help him.

jeongwoo felt a pair of hands on his hands. he looked and saw haruto encusping his hands in his.

jeongwoo felt a slight blush creep out his cheeks. he was so obvious about his crush that even haruto knew about it.

"i will be going tomorrow" said haruto.

jeongwoo sadly smiled. he knew it. he knew a time would come when haruto would have to leave. but at least, he wasn't blindly misled by haruto unlike mashiho and junkyu.

"i know"
"will you miss me?"

jeongwoo scoffed. "we're not even dating...but yes, i will."

"we're not dating, huh?" haruto mumbled. "well then, will you be my boyfriend?"

jeongwoo immediately removed his hands from haruto's grasp and scrambled all the way to the end of the room. "HA??!! ARE YOU DUMB?"

haruto looked at jeongwoo with a confused face.

"but i thought you liked me. isn't this what you do?"

"i--you dumbass. don't spring up such a question like this. i have a weak heart."


"yes. yes, i'll be your boyfriend."

a smile broke out on haruto's face and he pulled jeongwoo in for a kiss. jeongwoo's eyes 

widened but he responded.

"you know i like you so much right?" said haruto.

"i do too"

junkyu felt like the biggest third wheel on the earth. on one hand, his clients were a gay couple 

and on the other hand, his best friend was also in relationship

"oh junkyu. you're home!" said jeongwoo "talk to you later, ruto" and jeongwoo cut the call.

using his super best friend abilities, jeongwoo could immediately tell that something was off with junkyu.

"kyu? what happened? is it your clients? is it..." jeongwoo stopped. mashiho's name sort of became unspeakable. jeongwoo couldn't help but hate mashiho. junkyu was a man full of confidence and now, he became in this state only because of mashiho.

"...it's nothing."

jeongwoo narrowed his eyes. "don't even think of lying"

"it's mashiho."

jeongwoo knew it. it was only mashiho who could have such an effect on junkyu.
"what happened?"

junkyu looked at jeongwoo straight in the eye. his gaze was so intense that jeongwoo felt shivers down his spine.

"asahi said he loves me...is that possible? can mashiho love me? will i be loved too?"

jeongwoo stared at junkyu. he didn't want to admit it but it hurt him to say that junkyu...was broken beyond repair.

broken by a man called mashiho.


CAN U BELIEVE IT? A DOUBLE UPDATE?? AN btw happy 30 chapters !!!!!! wohoo

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