じゅう いち

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junkyu had a lot of other things in mind to do with mashiho but he first wanted to ask how mashiho was feeling.

"mashiho?" junkyu asked. the shorter male looked at him, his eyes wide. he looked so innocent and junkyu just wanted to protect him from the world.

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"are you feeling fine?"

"me? yes. its weird. i always get panicked when i talk to people but for some reason, today i didn't. maybe it's because of you. i feel like you make me forget my nervousness."

that sentence. that one sentence did dangerous things to junkyu's heart. he knew what this feeling was but he refused to acknowledge because he knew the man only for around two days.

how could he fall in love with someone so fast?

junkyu dismissed the silly thought of him being in love with mashiho and told himself and said it was a silly crush.

"uh, that's good, i guess? anyways, do you want to do something else today? if you are feeling fine, we can try something new."

mashiho took some time to think and then said, "will you be there with me?"

junkyu nearly cursed. his heart took a dangerous leap and he nearly felt like suing the man. does mashiho have any idea how much he affects him?

junkyu merely smiled at mashiho.


does junkyu have any idea how much he affects mashiho? mashiho wouldn't say he hated the butterflies in his stomach when he saw junkyu smile but it still made him uneasy because he didn't know what it was.

"so, i was thinking about going to eat and i wanted you to try new foods because it seems to me that you are used to eating korean food."

the whole aspect of eating food scared mashiho. he was used to eating the korean food his mom made and occasionally pizza from this one particular restaurant.

however, despite it scaring him mashiho was willing try because for some reason, he felt confident with junkyu.

this confidence must have something to do with these butterflies in my stomach, thought mashiho.

"i want to try new food." mashiho said and then they were on their way to a restaurant.


since it was mashiho's first time trying some kind of new food, junkyu wanted to make it as memorable as possible for him.

they were stuck at the traffic signal and were waiting for it to turn green when junkyu heard a ping on his phone. he picked it up and saw two messages, one from hyunsuk and one from jeongwoo.

boss : i hope it's going fine with your client. i hope he isn't being bitter because he got duped by his parents.

junkyu : no, sir. it's going fine :)) we are in fact on our way to eat.

boss : eat?? but according to your itinerary you both are supposed to be at the hotel for lunch.

junkyu : umm, on our way downstairs to eat. we didn't order food in the room since mashiho wanted to get out of the room. our food is here!! talk to you later.

boss : okay?

junkyu let out a sigh, hyunsuk was a really nice boss but there was chance that he could lose the job if hyunsuk got to know that he had completely ditched the itinerary. junkyu saw the red light turn green and pushed his feet on the accelerator. he decided that he would reply to jeongwoo's text when he had time.

after another hour of driving, they finally reached the restaurant they were going to eat at. it was a small restaurant that served ramen. junkyu was aware that out of all the things, mashiho would probably be the most comfortable with ramen.

as they entered the small restaurant, the man at the kitchen counter said, "irrashaimase! (welcome!)"

junkyu bowed at that man and the two of them took a seat. however, before taking a seat they had already payed and taken their coupon order which they gave to the man at the kitchen counter.

within 15 minutes, their ramen was made and the delicious food was put in front of them.

junkyu looked at mashiho and gave him an encouraging look.


the confidence mashiho had seemed to have disappeared into thin air. what if this food had poison?

"junkyu, i don't think i can do this." mashiho said.

junkyu sighed and said, "just try it, trust me it won't harm you."

"i just can't."

mashiho felt like he was disappointing junkyu but he couldn't even think of eating.

"you know what?" junkyu said, "i am going to help you."

mashiho watched as junkyu used his chopsticks and picked up some noodles and brought it close to mashiho's face. it took mashiho a whole second to realise that junkyu was trying to feed him.

Mashiho's face turned red and shook his head. junkyu narrowed his eyes at him and pushed the chopsticks a bit closer to his face. reluctantly, he opened his mouth and junkyu gently put the noodles in his mouth.

it was a burst of flavor and mashiho had never tasted anything better. without any second thought, mashiho pointed to his mouth again, asking for more.


There was only one thought that went through junkyu's mind.

protect him at all costs.


haruto did not inform anyone. he just said that he was going to visit his parents in tokyo when in fact that was not the reality. though he was the one who suggested hiring a personal guide, he disliked the idea of tricking mashiho and sending him to an completely unknown country.

he had a crush on mashiho for years but the shorter one was too oblivious to even notice. haruto was so concerned about mashiho that he lied to everyone and booked a flight ticket to tokyo. he didn't want mashiho having a hard time. he just couldn't bare the thought of mashiho scared and lonely.


welp, another update.

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