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junkyu stared in disbelief at the rude words that came out of the cute yet rude stranger. his profile said that he was japanese but that man, mashiho, certainly did not show the politeness and manners that a japanese person generally possesses. 

junkyu was a bit taken aback but he had to maintain his cool because this man was, well, his customer.

"um" junkyu said. "hi, I am your personal kawaii guide, junkyu! thank you for picking my services and i will make sure you enjoy your time here in tokyo."

mashiho scoffed. "enjoy my time here, my ass. who the fuck are you? what is a personal kawaii guide?"

junkyu did not expect things to go like this. he was about explain when he remembered the huge paragraph hyunsuk had sent him.

"um right. i have a message for you. from your, umm, mom...?"

"a message?"

"um yes. wait, i'll read it for you."

junkyu took out his phone and started reading out the message.

"mashiho dear, i am really sorry i had to do this but this was the only way. we lied. your grandparents haven't died. we just wanted you to go out of the house because you always stay inside the life and i was worried it would affect your mental health. i know we tricked you but please just try to enjoy your time over there. we hired this guide to help you out. please do this for me.


shizuu <3"

the atmosphere between junkyu and mashiho was tense. the whole situation was sort of comical. to junkyu it appeared as though mashiho was a sort of bratty child who refused to leave his house and his family had to create a huge drama to get him out of the house.

junkyu struggled hard not to laugh. he didn't want to offend his client with his dumbass laugh but it was sort of hard to hold it in.


red. that was all mashiho was seeing right now. he wanted to punch something. someone. 

he looked at the cute guy in front of him. it was very obvious that the guy with seemingly perfect features was trying hard to not to laugh. this wasn't funny. he didn't know mashiho's fear of going to new places. but he still had the audacity to laugh.

completely disregarding, the situation, the position, the people around, mashiho acted solely upon his anger and as a result, the next he felt was his fist on the cheekbone of his said-guide. 


junkyu stared in disbelief, clutching his nose in pain. mashiho looked small but definitely didn't lack strength.

junkyu's face went red with embarrassment once he noticed all the people looking at them. this was japan, it wasn't everyday they saw someone punch another person in the fucking airport.

junkyu wanted to call hyunsuk and tell him that he didn't want to do this anymore, he didn't want to be the guide of this rude ignorant cute looking hamster but junkyu remembered the amount of money he was getting from this and refrained from calling his boss.

after all, money is everything.

so, with a cool face and a red nose, he said, "i apologize, umm, for the situation you were put in but please bear with us. we will try to make your stay over here better."


"umm, i meant myself cos like i am your personal guide. and i will try to give you my best."

mashiho rolled his eyes. "if you want to do your best, just fucking stay away from me."



I updated the cover, lol.


I would love to rant more but I don't wanna be an annoying author because, yeah.

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