Chapter 29

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We were all in the library sitting down. Ian paying me no attention.

Well good.

Wait no that isn't good.

The doors opened and Christa and Alexander stood in the door way. "Well?" Luke asked. "At first there were complications but...All three of them are okay. Their all healthy and Zayn is doing better but right now all three of them are asleep and we advised you don't visit any of them until later on so come back tonight. Okay?" Christa smiled.

I nodded and so did some of the rest.

"In the mean time, go home or stay here." Alexander walked away. "Don't mind his attitude." Christa said and she shut the door. "Ian, can you take me home?" I asked him but he completely ignored me and just walked to the seat he was originally at. I groaned and made my way over to him.


"I'm staying here so go walk or get a ride." He looked up at me. His eyes were turning his original color. "Just drop me off and come back." I said.

"That's wasting gas." He replied. "Then transport me!" I clenched my fist.

"Look, I need some space from you got it? I don't want to be around you and your near me. I would drop you off but I'd have to sit in the car with you until I drop you off and I can't sit in the car with you." He looked at me.

One part of me didn't give a shit about his feelings while the other only felt pain from his words.

He shook his head and got up and walked past me. I turned around, anger and sadness building up inside of me as I watch him walk away from me.

"What did I ever do?!" I yelled and now everyone was watching us.

Ian stopped. "Everything!" He turned around yelled at me. "You did everything and I hate you for it! Just, stay away from me!"


"Jamie, just give me some space!" Once again he disappeared.

All eyes were on me and Louis walked over to me and so did Liam. "I'm gonna go try to find Ian." Eliza said quietly and walked out. "Can someone take me home?" I asked. "Of course." Liam said. We walked out of the room and Louis tagged along.

"Louis, why are you coming?" Liam asked. "I'm hungry." Louis shrugged his shoulders.

Liam rolled his eyes at him we walked out the front door. "Where'd you park?" I asked Liam. "Outside of the gate." He replied.

We walked to the gate and when we made it he opened the gate for me and I thanked him while walking out and they followed behind.

Liam's car was parked on the curb. He unlocked the car and I got in the backseat. Liam of course got in the drivers and Louis sat in the back with me. "You aren't taking the passengers seat?" I asked Louis.

He shook his head and sat right beside me. All of us put on our seat belts and Liam pulled out and started to drive the route to my home.

"If you don't mind me asking but is everything okay between you and um Ian?" Liam asked. I placed my head on Louis shoulder. "Not really no." I replied. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked me.

"Not really no. All I want to say it involves me, him, and Harry. He doesn't like Harry very much." I said. "Oh." Liam said.


"Well Jamie, if you like Harry go for it." Louis suggested. "Thanks." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

The rest of the ride home I was quiet while Louis and Liam conversed, laughed at stupid things and I just sat thinking. Liam pulled up in front of my house and I unbuckled myself. "Thanks Lime for the ride." I smirked. "Don't call me Lime." He said and I only laughed.

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