Chapter 34

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I woke up on something soft. I assumed it was a bed or a couch and I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a big soft bed with giant pillows and the sheets looked like they were made of gold.

As soon as I could sit up Ian popped up by my side scaring the hell out of me.

"Ian you-"

"Take it easy okay?...She dropped you and you hit that big head of yours and I don't know what else-"

"She put a spell on her to make her weak. It's what the evil witches use so they can kill their opponent." Harry cut off Ian and Ian rolled his eyes at the curly haired boy who was now sitting on the other side of me.

"So...So your just like-"

"You guys? Yes. My father is also like us and so was my mother." Harry gave a short explanation.

"Harry why didn't you say anything?" I asked and Ian chuckled while shaking his head.

"Funny how the ones you love lie to you constantly."

I looked at him and he stared back as if he had said nothing hurtful.

"Why are you even here again?" I asked annoyed.

"Well excuse me if I wouldn't have come, that pretty little bitch-"

"Witch." Harry corrected.

"Bitch, would've killed both of you guys." Ian said.

"Witch and for the record I saved both of you guys. If I wouldn't have located where she was then she would've killed Jamie and then you." Harry said clenching his fist.

"Your already her boyfriend, do you have to play the part of a hero also?" Ian asked.

Oh boy not again.

Harry ignored his comment.

"And she is a bitch she almost killed her. What you don't like the word bitch?"

"Seems like you enjoy calling women that huh?"

"Only women like you."

"Excuse me?" Harry said a little loud.

"I mean your getting all heart broken over a five letter word. What does your father not allow cursing in the house because you guys are to perfect to talk like that huh?"

"Something bothering you Ian?" Harry asked.

Ian balled up his fist but slowly opened his hands.

"No I'm fine curls." He responded cooly and it became silent but I remembered that Harry didn't answer my question.

"Harry...What the fuck man!" I hit his chest.

"Ouch what?! What did I do?!" Harry rubbed his chest.

"Really?! Your a wizard and you didn't tell me?! Why!" It came out as more of a demand rather than a question.

Harry sighed. "I couldn't. I didn't know how you'd react plus I didn't know if you were bad or good. I was scared that when I actually opened up to you that you'd kill me. That's why I kept my mouth shut."

I believed every word of it. How could I be so stupid?

"Oh my god Harry your right I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"What?! Jamie, Are you really eating all that bull shit?" Ian asked.

I turned to him. "What do you mean?"

"I could come up with a better lie and at least have my acting down before I try to sell the part." Ian said.

"I think that your just jealous because I got the girl and you didn't." Harry said.

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