Chapter 4

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For the rest of the afternoon we sat in the living room, watching television but I couldn't take my mind off of my book.

"Hey. You ready?" Ian asked. "Yeah...Yeah I am." I replied. I stood, smoothing out my wrinkles in my white shirt.

"Let's go." I said as I approached him. "Your the first with I've ever seen to wear something...Non black I guess." He said as he snaked his arm around my waist.

My book under his other arm also.

The light beneath us appeared and we were on the porch of Alexander and Christa's home.

Before I could knock, the door swung open and Alexander stood there.

"Late." He frowned. "By a flipping minute!" I said as I walked past him. "By two actually but I'll let it past since you tried to keep track of the time...Yet you failed like always." He sighed.

"Well we are here aren't we?" Ian said. "I see you brought your book...Something wrong?" Alexander asked. "There's a lot wrong actually." I said as I turned to them.

Ian gave me the book and I opened it to the ripped page. "You must've been messing around and-"

"No. This page was here two nights ago and now it's not. I tried to make it reappear but the thing zapped me." I frowned.

Alexander frowned and took the book out of my hands. He held his hand over the page until electricity zapped his palm.

I expected him to go flying back but instead he pulled his hand back, cursing at himself.

"There was a spell put on here." He said. "I didn't do it." Ian said in defense. "Ian we know. You're not that intelligent to know what to do with spells...Someone else put it on here...Unless you could've been fooling around and done something..." Alexander replied.

"No. I wouldn't do that...It's so weird. It just stops after it talks about you guys going into battle or what ever." I said.

"With the angels." Alexander sighed.

Yes, when we say angels we mean it. There is so much evil in this world and we've had to go against it so many times.

"You think that another witch, could've possible snuck into our home?" Ian asked. "Possibly. You have to remember, half of these pages are over thousands of years old but they reveal weaknesses of a certain force. Possibly someone could've been snuck in and took it so we wouldn't have to know the weakness or maybe just trying to mess with us." Alexander shrugged.

"So that's it? We aren't going to do anything about it?" I asked. "It'll turn up. I'm sure you'll be able to find it soon." He smiled.

"Alexander you complain about them being late when you're holding them up." Christa said as she walked toward us. Her hair was jet black and cut short and she wore a black leather dress with black heels.

"Hello children." She smiled.

"We are too old to be called children Christa." Ian smiled. She chuckled, "Come on. We need to get to the lesson."

"Alexander I suppose you owe all of us an apology when we get there." Christa said. "It was for a good cause honey." Alexander replied.

We walked through the halls, Eliza appearing from around the corner.

"Hey guys." She waved as she joined us as we walked down the hall. "Hey there. Where'd you come from?" I asked.

"Does it matter?" She said. I shook my head and we finally reached the library. The doors opened and we walked inside, everyone sitting on the couch except for Liam.

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