Chapter 21

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"How long has she been gone for?" I asked.

"After she kicked my ass! I went after her but then she got in the car with fucking football players and Liam! Then there was the car accident-"

"Car accident?! What?!" I asked.

"Didn't you hear the news? Liam was taking a football player home and then her and two more tagged along and I don't even know how but a tree fell on top of the car killing two football players, one is missing, Liam is in the hospital and Jessica is fucking missing!"

"Shit!" My heart beat fastens.

"Chloe, I'll call you back!" I hung up the phone and suddenly my phone began vibratating and all of the missed calls, texts, and voicemails came through.

A lot from Phoebe and Zayn and Camilia. Louis called me four times.

God! What the hell is going on?!

"Liam was in a car accident!" I turned around. "What?!" They all said. "Didn't you hear on the news?" I asked them. "I couldn't even get the electricity to go." Christa said.

"You guys go to the hospital. Me and Ian are gonna go to the crash. Jessica is missing and so is a football player and the other two were killed. We'll meet you there." I told them.


"Are you sure you know where your going?" Ian asked me. We were driving on the emty road as the many trees past us. I wonder why Liam took this way? Nobody goes down here because it's too dangerous. At least none of the witches or wizards do. "Of course. Chloe texted me where." I replied. "So I guess you and her are gonna be best friends after this?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"There!" Ian said as he pointed to the car ahead of us. I parked the car and we unbuckled ourselves and then got out. "Ian, check in the woods." I instructed and he nodded as I continued to walk toward the car.

It was a wreck.

I stepped over the yellow line and the car was flipped over on the hood and the tree was on top of the bottom, one door in the back was taken off of the car, and the other was opened, and glass was scattered everywhere and so was blood.

I noticed that there was also a hole in the bottom of the car but the tree couldn't have done that because by observation, the tree couldn't have made that large hole.

I really do hope Liam is okay after observing this wreck.

I knelt down and examined the passengers door. I looked around before I backed up and hit the door with a light ball. Kind of like blasting it but it's not as harsh, blasting just more for injuring or killing things.

The door fell off and I crawled inside of the car. This is so dangerous but it's the only way. I noticed that there was a scratch on the dash board and not like from human nails.

From something else.

It was three deep lines in the dashboard and dried blood on there. Next to the scratch was a symbol. A symbol that I recognized that was left on my hand.

I forgot about that symbol!

Except when I looked at my hand it wasn't even there. Suddenly I had no control over my hand as it laid it on top of the circle with the three lines. The circle on my hand appeared and it began to glow and burn and before I knew it, I got a vision.


'Jessica! You coming over my place or what babe?' A football player I recognized as Mark asked her.

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