Chapter 14

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"Oh...He's y-your date..." Chloe stuttered. "He sure is." I replied as I stuffed my phone in my pocket. "Well, seems like you're obviously lying." She replied. "How am I lying?" I asked. "That! Could be anyone! It could be Ian or who ever the hell you hang out with." Chloe said.

"Honestly, it's Harry. We can even ask him to call me-"

"There is no need. I'll just see you at my party with what ever date you're bringing because Harry asked me first."

I laughed. "Harry didn't ask you first. The first day you brought it up to him, he asked me. So, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about." I told her. She frowned, "Well...I'll see you at my party. Don't dress like a church girl alright?"

"Oh believe me I won't." I replied.

The room got silent as me and her just stared at each other, anger plastered unto our faces.

"So! Maybe we should watch some tv? Or how about you go try on some dresses? Which ever one you guys would like to do..." Brooklyn asked. "We can watch-"

"Let's try on dresses! Jamie does need an outfit for the party doesn't she?" Chloe interrupted.

'Jamie, you and your big mouth...' My subconscious said.

"Sure. We can do that Brooklyn. Give me what ever but make sure it's cute." I said. "It'll be very cute!" Jessica clapped her hands. Why is this girl always so happy?

"Come on silly." Brooklyn pulled me off of the bed. I walked with her to the closet, and when she opened the door..God, it was like a tiny little store!

There was a circular couch in the middle. It was white and it was leather. There was two shelves, both left and right, filled with all kinds of shoes. Heels, Jorands, Sandals! Anything you wanted!

I looked ahead and sat six clothes rack, both left and right with all kinds of outfits. Jeans, dresses, shirts. Jumpsuits.

This girl could donate this stuff but Brooklyn wouldn't do that most likely.

"You can go ahead and choose. I don't think Eliza and Louis are going are they?" She asked. "No we aren't. But Camilia and Zayn will be going. Me and Louis have a date that night...Sorry not sorry." Eliza replied.

"Hey, it's what ever. Now, go pick a dress Jamie." Chloe said. I walked to the clothes rack and examined the clothes. "Party dresses to your left." Brooklyn guided me.

"We have had some great times in those dresses!" Jessica said and they began to laugh except for me and Eliza.

"What have you done in your "party" dresses exactly?" I asked afraid for whatever answer to come. "Those dresses have basically got us boyfriends...Don't worry there's five in the back I haven't worn. The others are washed." Brooklyn assured.

"Well, they should be burned..." I mumbled. "Did you wash them in holy water?" Eliza asked them. "No." Chloe said and when I looked at her, she had her arms crossed.

Well they should wash them in holy water.

I grabbed only two dresses that seemed cute. "Bathroom?" I asked. "Just go." Chloe had an attitude. "What's wrong Chloe? You mad because your "date" is going with me?" I asked.

Jesus, what has gotten into me?!

"Just. Go. Change. I have no attitude alright? Harry is going with me so drop the subject. Alright?" Chloe said through her teeth. I hurried out of there and walked to Brooklyn's bathroom. I locked the door and sat down on the ground.

God, why am I acting like a bitch?

Sure, Harry is just adorable but I'm not his and he isn't mine so why do I get upset when she brings him up?

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