Chapter 19

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"She came on to me!" Harry said as he got up. "Isn't that what they always say?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"No! I-It's the truth! Jamie-"

"Harry, just save it."

"But I really do like you."

"I can't be with a cheater...Sorry." I turned around and made my way back into the large house.

"Jamie!" Ian grabbed me and turned me around, revealing my upset expression to him. "Come on. We are leaving." He pulled me closer and we moved through the crowd and an angry Jessica bumped into me.

"Jessica, what's wrong?!" I asked her but she just ignored me and was keeping her direction toward the back door.

"Her and Chloe got in an argument. Just leave her!" Ian shouted.

We finally made it outside and someone was throwing up on the side of the house and that's exactly what I felt like doing.

Ian picked up his pace and we were out of the gates and walking to the side of the brick wall.

He held me close and we transported to some house. We stood inside of a small home.

"Ian, where are we?" I asked. "Italy. Tho is one of my grandfathers many homes. Noone else has been in here besides Teressa." He replied.

Ugh! Teressa!

I took a look around the room. One couch. I think? The room just continued to spin and I could see white orbs. Fuck I regret drinking so much.

"I feel sick..." I said. "Let me take you to the bathroom." He replied. I nodded and when he grabbed my hand, he immediately pulled back cursing and waving his hand.

"I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed. "You fucking shocked me! How'd you even learn..Just never mind, come on." He placed his hand on my back and we walked out of the living room.

"And here's the-" I cut off Ian by pushing the door open and going straight for the toilet and began to throw up. My body felt so shaky and my hands began to burn along with my eyes hurting.

I lifted my head from the toilet and I flushed it while putting the lid down. "Better?" Ian asked as he helped me. "Kinda." I said as I walked to the sink and rinsed out my mouth. "You just need some rest." He said.

"My feet hurt. These heels are fucking killing me." I replied. I leaned against the sink as I took off my black high heels and feet were sore and red from the tight high heel. I regret this night so much. It's like every time something good or fun happens, somebody just comes along and fucks it all up for me.

I don't know who fucked up my night. Chloe, Harry, or Ian?

"You need to rest-"

"Ian, for once stop trying to be my father! Please!" I begged. "I'm just looking out for you-"

"Well stop! I don't know how many times I've constantly begged and said this to you but stop! Just stop! I can handle myself!" I barked.

"Well let's have a recap shall we? If I didn't come to get you, you would've been throwing up, shocking people or whatever the hell you just did to me! And you would've been all heart broken over a curly headed douche bag. So yeah, I think I was doing you a favor tonight." He crossed his arms. "Just take me home." I said.

"No because the idiot will be at our house!" He said angrily and frowning at me.

"Then take me to bed so I can sleep off this migraine!" I yelled.

Boy, do we argue a lot or what?

After the eye rolling and continuous yelling at each other about my safety and age, I was finally slamming the door in Ian's face and getting undressed, and crawling under the cover to hug have the blankets hug my body as I hugged the soft pillow.

I wish I would've never met Harry. It would've saved me the drama and the tears that are sliding down my cheeks at this very moment. I try to silence my sniffing by putting my face into the pillow but I'm not sure if it can stop my crying.

Tonight has just been tiring and painful and I'm sure monday won't be any better.

Exhaustion really takes me over because my eye lids immediately begin to close and I try to wipe away the tears on my cheeks but my body is sore and weak so I leave the left over make up for the morning.


I wake up and a cool breeze hits my face. I turn and see the door to the balcony open and the white sleek curtains blowing. I smile to myself as I get out of the bed.

I look around and I remember that I'm not in my house.

"That's right. Ian brought me here." I mumble to myself. I make my way to the door and when I exit I walk carefully down the hallway. I have no idea where Ian is but hopefully he is still here.

"I'm in the living room." Ian's voice fills the small home.

I reach the small living room and it is actually pretty nice. One brown couch, a table and an old tv on it. The fan hanging from the ceiling spinning slowly providing not a lot of air but not enough.

Ian sat on the couch with a news paper in his hands. "You read italian?" I asked. "I spent a lot of time here with my grandfather so I had no choice but to learn it." He shrugged as he put the paper in his lap and he wore black glasses.

Oh my god! I haven't seen him in those since like forever!

"My vision is becoming worse for some reason. I woke up this morning and everything was blurry." He sighed. "They look nice, it's..Okay." I tried to hold in my giggle.

"Were you crying?" He asked me and the giggle I tried to hold in disappears as I look at my feet. "Maybe..." I replied quietly. "Your make up is ruined. What's wrong?" He asked.

This time I chuckled but it was a nervous chuckle. "You saw how my night ended. I hate parties and I hate boys." I sighed. "Do you hate me also?" He asked and I met his soft gaze.

"I especially hate you." I smirked. No long after that he laughed. "I was afraid you were going to say that but in a more serious tone."

"I don't hate you. I hate that your overprotective-"

"I just want the best for you."

"I get that but Ian seriously, you need to calm down. Also-"

His phone started to ring and he stood up. "Hold on." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and answered. "Yeah she's with me...Why? Is everything alright?...Here? Wait, Christa who?...Alright. Alright, we will get down to it...Okay, okay. Yes Christa, we love you too. Bye." He hung up.

"Everything alright?" I asked. "You never checked out about some witch at the mall did you?" He asked and I frowned as I thought.

Oh shit! Christa did ask me to do that!

"Well whoever the witch is, she's here, in Italy sadly and we have to go see about her." Ian asked.

"And how the hell do we do that?" I asked. "I know people who are alike and aren't like us and they're very useful but before we venture out, you need clothes. I'm calling Tere-"


"I'm calling Teressa to bring you some clothes and then we leave because whoever this witch is, they caught her last night trying to break in."


Thoughts? Just comment below! :) please follow me on IG my name is @hazz_badbitxh

Share, and vote! And I wanted to say I feel like I have more Jian shippers than Jarry xD lol anyways.

Question of the day is: What has been your favorite part of the book so far?

Mine is when Ian broke down after Jamie's heart stop. It gets me everytime. :'(

Well enjoy your week! Love you all! Bye!

And I dedicate this chapter to weyhey_itslouis :) ;* love ya!

P.s. Sorry! I know the chapter is short. I did that on purpose lol cx

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