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It has been 2 days since the party and you were feeling a little better each day since you were with Zach. You were sitting on the couch watching netflix when you both heard a knock on the door.

Zach: I'll get it, stay here.

Zach went and opened the door and of course it was the one person no one wanted to see ever again. Justin. Zach went outside and closed the door since he didn't want you to get involved. You walked over to the window and watched from inside. Zach was talking to Justin and Justin was talking to Zach. It looked like Justin was trying to apologize when Zach punched him in the face. Immediately you got my phone out and called the police.

Police: 911, how may I help you?

Y/N: A boy is outside my house beating up my boyfriend, earlier this week, the boy assaulted me and he has now come back to the house. I need help.

Police: Ok, stay inside, we are sending help ok?

Y/N: Ok, thank you.

You hung up and it was getting messy outside. Justin and Zach were throwing punches at each other till the police showed up. They separated the two and asked which one was the boyfriend. Zach raised his hand and they handcuffed Justin. You ran out side and ran to Zach who was being helped by the medical people to fix the cuts on his face. You looked over and saw Justin staring at you as the police drove him away.

Police man: Excuse me? Are you the girl who called?

You turn around to see a police man talking to you.

Y/N: Yes.

Police man: You had said that the boy we arrested assaulted you?

Y/N: Yes, two nights before, I was at a party when he took advantage of me. My boyfriend found me a hour later and took me home. 

Police Man: Any Idea why the boy would do that? Do you know him personally or was he a stranger.

Y/N: Um, well he is my half brother who I have never met before till earlier this month and ever since I met him, he has been saying and touching me ways he shouldn't but I didn't think he would have gone this far.

Police Man: Ok, thank you Y/N, if you need help getting over this, call us and we will set you up with a physical therapist to help you ok? We will take care of Justin, you wont have to worry about him any more. We will also have one of our Medical Assistance to help you and provide a rape kit for you to make sure your body is ok.

Y/N: Thank you officer.

You looked at Zach and he was bandaged up. The woman who was helping him took me inside to use the rape kit. Once she was done she asked some questions.

Woman: Did he use a condom?

Y/N: No

Woman: Are you on birth control?

Y/N: No

Woman: When was your last period?

Y/N: Two weeks ago.

Woman: I am going to come back in two weeks to take a pregnancy test on you ok?

You nod and she leaves the room. Zach walks in.

Zach: Are you ok?

Y/N: Ya. She is gonna come back in two weeks to give me a  pregnancy test.

Zach hugs you and you sigh.

Y/N: I'm just glad Justin is gone.

Zach: Me too.

Hey, I hope you guys like the book. If you guys don't feel comfortable reading this, that is ok, you can stop reading. The next few chapters may have a little bit of this content in it but the end wont. Thanks for reading! Love you all

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