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You wake up the next morning really tired since you were up really late looking through Instagram and texting Corbyn. You get up and get ready for school. You get in some cute ripped black pants and a brown yellowish shirt. You grab your backpack and your docs and head out the door. As your driving to school, you get a text from Corbyn,

Corbyn: Hey Y/N, I know its not till the end of the week but would you be willing to come to a hangout on friday night? I was going to say party but it will only be me, Christina, you and my 4 other friends. There will still be drinks and music but we will all just being sitting around and talking or playing games!

Y/N: Hey Corbs! Sure that sounds fun! Count me in.

Corbyn: ok, see you at school!

Y/N: ok

You put your phone back down and start thinking about the party. You couldn't wait! You get to school and head to your locker. Christina comes up to you and starts to hug you.

Y/N: Christina!! Hi, how are you!

Christina: I'm doing fine thank you, I am just so happy that Corbyn finally asked me to be his girlfriend, he's so sweet.

Y/N: Aww, I am so happy for you! As me being his best friend for as long as I can remember, I know that you are perfect for him. He texted me last night saying how happy he was and that you were perfect.

Christina: He said that! Really! Aww, he's so sweet!

(Bell rings)

Y/N: ok Christina, I'll see you later.

Christina: Ok, love you

Y/N: love you

As you walk into your next class, you sit in your seat. You sat by this cute girl named Elizabeth. She was a friend of yours but you didn't really talk to her at all. After class, you walk through the halls and spot this cute boy at his locker. He was talking to a bunch of other boys and they were all hot but that one was standing out to you. You look away and see Christina so you run up to her. 

Y/N: So, are you exited for the party on Friday?

Christina: Hell ya! We are going to meet some of Corbyn's friends! I can't wait.

Y/N: Really? That sound fun!

Christina: Oh, I have to get to class, talk later?

Y/N: Ya! See ya.

You walk to your next class and day dream about the boy you saw in the hallway.

I want you//Zach HerronUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum