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Y/N: Zach look! It's the man from the bumper cars.

Zach: Y/N, you can't see straight and I don't think the man would follow us to the hospital.

Zach didn't believe you but you were positive it was the man.

Y/N: No i really think it was him, we have to go back in and see what he wants.

Zach: fine.

You both walk back in and you look around. He left

Y/N: Hes gone. Damn it

Zach: are you sure?

Y/N: Ya i think so, he was standing over there

Zach: ok,  come on lets go

You walk back out into the car and lay down in the back.

Y/N: Zach?

Zach: yes princess

Y/N: Im sorry this all happened, if i would have paid attention to what i was doing, this would never have happened.

Zach: Y/N, this isn't your fault. Jonah accidentally hit you too hard but he didn't mean to. You will be ok, you just need rest. I will take care of you till the day you die ok, you dont have to worry about me

You started to smile

Zach: Do you want to get food before we get you home?

Y/N: Yes please.

Zach: Y/N, wake up were at your house.

Y/N: mmmmmm 

Zach: Come on

Zach picks you up and takes you into your house. He sets you down on the door step and you two walk inside. You look up and you see something you would never thought you would ever expect to see once you got home.

Y/N: Mom? What is he doing here?!

The man that was at the bumper cars and at the hospital was standing in your living room talking to your mom.

Mom: Oh honey! What happened to you! You look awful.

Y/N: Mom thats not the point, what is this man doing here. He was basically the cause of what happened earlier to me. 

Mom: Oh, y/n, this is your father. 

Your eyes get really big and you just stare at him.

Mom: He just got in today and wanted to meet you. I told him you were at the fair and that maybe he can talk to you.

Y/N: Mom! He followed me during the bumper cars and made me not pay attention which made me not notice where I was going and have Jonah smash into me and making me go out cold. I have a horrible concussion. Speaking of concussion-

You start to wabble around and catch yourself onto Zach who was looking at you with a worried face.

Zach: Y/N, I think we should get you to bed.

Y/N: No I have to finish talking. Mom, why is he here-

You wabble a little more and start to fall to the ground but Zach catches you.

Zach: Ok, lets take you to bed and you can finish what you wanted to talk about in the morning ok?

You nod your head and let Zach take you to your room. He tucks you in and kisses you on the forhead before leaving.

Zach: I love you princess

Y/N: Love you more.

You get on your phone and get blinded by the light so you turn down the brightness. You look and have tons messages from everyone.

Christina: Y/N: Are you ok? I saw what happened and I hope you are, text me as soon as you can!

Corbyn: Hey y/n, sorry I couldn't help you earlier, I was in the bathroom while you guys were doing the bumper cars, I hope your ok. Let me know if you want me to come over. <3

Gabbie: Hey girl, I hope your ok, let me know if you need anything ok? I'm getting pretty damn good at cooking now that imma be a mom.

Tate: Hey babes, I hope you feel better. Jonah actually feels pretty bad about what happened and if we can do anything to help or make it up, just let us know. Love you.

Jonah: Hey Y/N, I am so sorry for what happened! I really need to be more careful. I completely blame myself and I really hope you are ok. If you need anything and I mean anything text me first cause i feel really bad. I really do hope you feel better. miss you.

Zach: Hey princess. Just know i'm one text and call away if you need me. Also if you want, i can come stay with you but that's just a thought. Let me know ok? Lemme know if you need anything. Love you to pieces.

You love your friends.

I want you//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now