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HEY! Sorry it's been like a thousand years since I did my last chapter but.....here you go! I literally re read my last chapter and I know it sucks so bare with me. I am trying to do better and I think i'm getting better but idk. Anyways, thank you guys soooo much for 1.3 K reads and ya. LOVE YOU ALL!

Zach: Who the hell are you?

Zach was looking at Justin all judgy and then looked at me to get an explanation. 

Justin: Im-

Y/N: His name is Justin and actually, I don't really know who he is. He literally walked into my room this morning and was being all flirty but don't worry, I pushed him out and yelled at him to go away. 

You look at Zach and he was still confused.

Justin: I just wanted to meet a pretty girl.

Y/N: Shut up 

You look at him and he just smiles at you. You roll your eyes and let out a disgusted sigh.

Zach: So basically...you walked into the room and started hitting on MY GIRLFRIEND, and then now you still do after she said no and I'm standing right here? Who the hell are you?

Justin: Im-

Justin was interrupted by your father who opened the door more so he could see you two.

Dad: Hey! Y/N, I can see you have met Justin! Justin, this is my daughter Y/N, Y/N, this is my son Justin. You two are half siblings!Isn't that great?

You and Zach look at each other and then you both look at Justin. You stared at your dad and then just started to get angry

Y/N: Your my brother!!? And your trying to hit on me? What the hell is wrong with you?

You turned from looking at Justin to your dad.

Y/N: So you had another kid after you abandoned us and let my mom? And now you decide to pull up in your FaNcY CaRs and expect us to accept you two to just...come into our home like everything is fine? No! You were the reason I have this concussion in the first place and you were stocking me! I don't want to know either of you and I sure as hell don't want you in my house so get the hell out!

You look at your dad and Justin and they are just staring at you shocked at what you had said. You stare at them but then start to feel light headed. The porch light started to shine really bright and everything started to spin. You hold onto Zach as support but you start to tip and fall and everything went black.

SORRY this was short but I have a good idea of what I want to do for the next chapter so ya! How do you guys like Justin? What do you thinks gonna happen? 

Make sure to comment and vote!

I want you//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now