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You get in the shower and get ready to go to Lunch with your mom, but before you leave, you get a text from Tate.

Tate: Hey girl, where did you run off to last night, we had so much fun!

Y/N: Oh nowhere...

Tate: Are you sure because Zach went missing too, so what happened, tell me everything!

Y/N: He did, that's funny because I remember leaving by myself

Tate: Sure you do now tell me everything, I know you left with him

Y/N:  Ok fine, Zach took me to his house last night and I stayed the night. 

Tate: Oh my god Y/N! You had sex with Zach! The biggest bad boy in our school! DAMN GIRL!!

Y/N: Shut up.. I don't know if it will happen again but I am hanging with him later. Don't tell anyone tho because I don't know if Zach wants everyone to know although maybe he does.. I don't know how this works. It may have been my first time but please don't tell anyone.

Tate: Damn you were a virgin too, guess it's really true we all learn something new everyday. 

Y/N: Fuck off, I don't get lucky and get a boyfriend easily like some people do..

Tate: Dang, well I got to go pick up the Jonah, I think we are going to lunch with Jas, Daniel, Gabs and Jack. See you later ok!

Y/N: Ok! Love ya

Tate: Love ya!

You put your phone in your pocket and run downstairs to leave with your mom. You were so hungry, even though you ate breakfast like 3 hours ago, you eat whenever you can. You get in the car that your mom was already in, waiting for you. 

Mom: So where do you want to go? 

Y/N: What about...Chipotle! I love that place.

Mom: Sure, sounds great!

You and your mom jam to music on the way to Chipotle. You pull up to Chipotle and hop out of the car. You walk inside and get in line to order. Once you get your food you immediately sit down and start downing your salad since you were so hungry. After you take around 5 bites, you notice you hear a familiar voice coming in. It was Christina's. You look up and she already has her eyes on you. You start waving and tell her and Corbyn to come over. 

Y/N: Christina, what are you doing here?

Christina: Getting the best food ever, what else.

You all start laughing and see Daniel, Jonah, Jack, Gabs, Tate and Jas come in. 

Corbyn: Hey guys, whats up!

Jonah: Hey dude, I didn't know you would be here!

You walk up to them and hug all of them. Then you hear another familiar voice come up to you guys.

Zach: Hey, did you guys forget to invite me or something.

Jack: Zach! Bro! What are you doing here!

Corbyn: No dude, me and Christina showed up and Y/N was already here. Then these four just showed up after us. 

Zach looks at you and you blush. Your mom walks up to you guys and starts smiling.

Mom: Hey, i'm Y/N's mom, are you the people who Y/N was with last night? 

All of them: Ya! 

Tate: I'm Tate and this is Jonah, Jasmine, Jack, Daniel, and Gaberiela! And i'm assuming you already know Christina and Corbyn!

Jonah, Jasmine, Jack, Daniel, and Gaberiela: Hi!

Mom: Ya, I know Corbyn and Christina. Well it's nice to meet you all. Y/N, i'm going to go finish and then wait in the car if you want a ride home.

Y/N: Nah it's ok. I'll come finish eating with you then i'll stay with them if that's ok.

Mom: Sure!

You wave bye to your friends and hurry to go finish and eat. You could tell Zach was eyeing you the whole time but you didn't mind. You finish eating and the conversation with your mom and you walk over to your friends.

Y/N: Hey guys! Whats up.

Gabs: Nothing.. just talking about how fun last night was. We really missed you. Where did you go?

You make eye contact with Zach then say

Y/N: I just wanted to go home becau-

Zach: I took her over to my house she slept the night and left this morning.

Gabs: Really! Y/N you slept with Zach last night and didn't tell us? Spill the tea.

Y/N: Well..

Jonah: Dude, you got to tell us everything.

Zach smerks at you and then you suddenly feel embarrassed. You didn't know what to do in these situations. What you do for the next half an hour is just explain that you slept over and had breakfast and left. You could tell that almost all of them knew you were a virgin before this and you didn't have experience except Zach. How will you tell him this.

I want you//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now