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*3:27 am* *Phone Rings*

Y/N: Hello?

Police: Hi, is this Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, this is she

Police: Hi, so are sorry it's so early but a boy named Zach Herron has gotten in an accident and he is at the hospital. Your name was the only words he was saying when we were with him so we decided to call you.

Your heart stops and you don't know what to do.

Y/N: Oh my god, is he ok?

Police: We don't know yet, he was hurt really badly and he's going into surgery right now.

Y/N: ok, Im going to the hospital now, thank you officer.

Police: Your welcome and be safe.

Y/N: ok

You hung up and ran out of bed. Why the fuck was Zach driving at 3 in the morning and what was he doing to make it so he would get into a crash. You needed answers but there was no way you could get them if you didn't get to the hospital. You could feel the hot tears form in your eyes as you was getting your clothes on. What if he got so hurt something bad could happen? Is he dead? Why was he saying my name when they were with him? Was he coming to me? All these questions were forming in your head which made you more worried.

You ran outside to your moms car after stealing her keys and you started to drive off to the hospital. Once you got there you ran to the desk asking if Zach was out of surgery yet.

Lady: Yes, but he's not aloud to have visitors yet. Come back in 3 hours and that should be enough time.

Y/N: Is it ok if I wait here in the lobby?

Lady: Sure

Y/N: Ok thank you

You go find an empty seat and lay back. You close your eyes and fall asleep.

*3 hours later*

Lady: Hey, you can go see him now.

You hear the front desk girl say that as she gently rubbed your arm to wake you up

Y/N: oh sorry... Thank you. What room is he in?

Lady: Room 372

Y/N: Ok, thank you 

She nods and you go to Zach's room. You knock on the door and you heard a faint voice saying to come in. You open the door and run over to Zach. 

Y/N: Zach, what happened!

Zach: Baby, you shouldn't be here. He's going to come find you and hurt you. I'm not strong enough to help. He was the one who ran into me. I don't have time to explain, just go to your house and lock all the doors and windows. Go into the basement and close all the door and leave the lights off. If you have a gun in the house keep it with you at all times. If he gets in the house, call me or 911 instantly with no hesitation. He will kill you. Go, now.

Y/N: What?! What are you talking about?

Zach: I'll tell you when I get out. Just wait at your house till then. Now go, GO!

You sit up sweating and crying. You just had the worst nightmare ever. 

Zach: Princess, you ok?

Y/N: No... I just had a nightmare where yo- you got in a crash, and-- 

You were cut off by your crying taking over your voice. Zach gets up and hugs you tightly.

Zach: Baby it's ok, calm down, I'm here

You cry into his arms. How could that be a dream. It felt so real! You shook it off and when back to sleep. It was just a nightmare.

I want you//Zach HerronOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz