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Mark kept true to his word. As much as was physically possible, Mark made sure nothing happened to Donghyuck or their company. 

Don't tell Mark I told you this, but he definitely regarded Donghyuck over their company, and anything could happen to that idea in the works, but absolutely no one was going to harm his baby. 


It's in Donghyuck's nature to care and make sure everyone around him feels loved and accepted, so when Mark said he wasn't visiting home for Chuseok like every other Korean national at the University of Korea, it was a given that Mark would be going back home for the holiday celebration with him, as if Mark was family. 

As expected, it doesn't take much to convince Mark. 

Not only will he use any opportunity to spend time with Donghyuck but he just doesn't like celebrating with his biological family. They are not the type of people Mark wants to spend the holidays with, the kind that invite other socialite families merely to engage in bragging rights on behalf of their children in lieu of actually enjoying friendly company, the kind that buy the most extravagant presents that their undeserving and lazy offspring could already afford themselves by age twelve and the kind that use their privilege to further boost them in life and get away the most heinous acts simply because they have blood money

He hasn't been to his parent's home since he left for university and he had only went back for Donghyuck's sake and he wasn't planning to return so Donghyuck's invite was a gate opening to heaven in his eye's because there's no way he only could recreate some good ole Chuseok food. 

In Donghyuck's great act of benevolence, he was oblivious to the extent of his fragility in self-esteem and just how easily he could feel inferior to his peers. It seems useless, but he can't help but to remember the great style and luxury in which they were escorted to Mark's family home and compare this to the drab of Mark's high-end vehicle and their previously burly, now tattered suitcases and the acquiring of food from the street corners.  

As expected, Mark doesn't even seem to muse the differences in the way Donghyuck does. 

Mark only sways his head in beat of that Day6 song he's always listening to -Donghyuck forgets the name. His hand, the one not occupied on the steering wheel, rests gently on Donghyuck's inner thigh while a ghost smile lives on his features. 

The song ends and Mark turns the music down, using the time to start up a conversation with  the younger man. The smile increases as he glances at Donghyuck, his faint dimples popping out as he can't keep a giggle from escaping his body. He continues to speak and it's static in Donghyuck's ears, the low-turned music forms radio silence yet the bells in his heart, pounds on his ear drums. 

This is the beginning for Donghyuck. 

He just realizes that Mark likes him and Mark couldn't care less about anything else regarding the boy, like money, social status and will do absolutely anything to make him happy. 

To be honest, he has no idea what Mark is saying. 

On the road, in the car, in nothing but a simple top and short shorts, Donghyuck realizes he's in love with Mark Lee -but he doesn't know how to handle that. 



The sky is dark and the air cooler than before by the hour that the arrive at Donghyuck's old home. His mother and sisters at the door to meet him, right before his sisters are shooed to sleep, as it was way too late. 

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