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6 hours before Lee Donghyuck snaps...

Maybe it wasn't meant to last. The sweaty palms and dusted pink cheeks of admiration were now fueled by annoyance. In just two weeks, Donghyuck learns that Mark is a shitty roommate.

He's one of those that tends to be way too messy for comfort. Donghyuck admits he isn't the neatest person ever but are the piles of dirty clothes lying around the living room really that necessary?

Why did it seem like Mark didn't know how to pick up a mop and tidy his messes? Did he ever learn to do the dishes? Has this boy ever learned to clean?



Donghyuck can't even count every time he's woken up to lights being left on or staring awake because of the blaring white light from every single other room in the house.

It's only been two weeks and he dreads returning home after classes. He finds himself forcing his friends out more often to pull himself further and further away from his roommate. It's only been two weeks but Donghyuck feels like Mark is driving him insane.

But that isn't all...

It's the coughing fits due to Mark always smoking, the aggression when drunk and the constant hookups. Oh the girls that saunter through their front door every other night.

When it happened first, Donghyuck was confused. But by the second incident, he knew exactly what was going on in the adjacent room. The hushed mewls from the first night were discarded and the parties were now unapologetically loud even when Donghyuck banged on the wall several times. They probably didn't even hear him.

Donghyuck is sure he has the sound of Mark's headboard memorized. How do they not find this embarrassing?

Donghyuck is often now left to leave the apartment each time it happens because the anger he feels would probably cause him to barge into Mark's bedroom and disturb everyone's peace.

He doesn't even have a problem with the smoking itself, the sex, maybe. But it would all be okay if Mark had the mind to mention these appointments to him beforehand so he could make himself busy.

Mark, in conclusion, is just an inconsiderate roommate.

On top of this, they don't really talk. They know nothing much more than each other's names and ages. And they only really interact in an awkward 'hi' and 'bye' each morning and when deciding the shopping list each week.

They're merely strangers rooming together and doing it horribly, at that.


Donghyuck thought Mark doing some household chores is what he wanted but Mark looked and sounded so fucking disoriented while attempting to get the dishes cleaned that his ears felt like they were being infested with tiny ants and his only relief was to rip them clean from his body.

Mark does the dishes so fucking loud and Donghyuck was trying his best to study. He hid away in the kitchen to have some peace and quiet while Mark occupied the living room so why did he decide to wash dishes now when he literally never touched them before?

"Jesus fucking Christ, can you shut the fuck up?" His voice was shrill, bordering a scream, more of a shout of annoyance, frustration and anger mixed together and intensified by five. "Can't you do shit right? Why the fuck do you have a roommate if you can't fucking function as one? I'm sure you have the money to own something twice as large as this by yourself. Why do you have to be annoying me? Here? Why? I'm obviously trying to study."

Mark was silent. His head, now turned to Donghyuck, showed a face of slight shock. His expression was subdued but it was still obvious he was taken aback.

Donghyuck was quick to apologize at this, finally realizing he had lashed out. "I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated. You're not that bad."

They both know it's not true and was just trying to pick up the pieces of Mark that he just shattered.

Mark just stares back at him as Donghyuck was left not knowing what exactly to say. The words from the explosion only a couple seconds before still hung in the air and Donghyuck felt them resting on his shoulders. And Mark lets them stay there and he just walks away.

He dropped the half-sudded plate in the sink and left.

Donghyuck's face fell into his palms as soon as the older boy left the room. He's left, failing to convince himself that he didn't feel too guilty for what he did and Mark simply had it coming. He didn't expect him to change so why feel bad for shouting?

Surprisingly, however, Mark does the unexpected and makes an attempt to be a bit more roommate-friendly. He started to clean up after himself a bit more, wash his plates and fold away his clothes...every few days or so.

The attempt wasn't missed on Donghyuck's part but wasn't really accepted as the loud ass hookups still occurred and Donghyuck doesn't think he'll ever forgive Mark if he is to have as much as one more goddamn hookup at ass o'clock.

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