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The worries have dissipated, but frankly, only because Donghyuck has pushed them back in hopes that he can just enjoy this -whatever this is- before it's inevitably taken away from him; before Mark comes to his senses. 

Things have changed....obviously they've both dicked each other down on a one week summer vacation. A lot has changed and they're both just trying to keep up with where their feelings bring them. Donghyuck is anxious...but I mean, when is he not? He's worried about how attached they'll get during this time before that one event that will finally tear them down occurs. He's waiting, he's waiting and scared. 

But until then, he has Mark. 

Mark and a whole business to run.....and university.

"What's the next step, Captain Mark?" Donghyuck takes some characteristically animated skips to Mark's side as he relaxes on their couch, with his laptop falling from his lap. 

Mark smiles at the added warmth to his person before answering. "Well, we finally have funding, we're registered, planned all the small things too.....so I guess we need to start looking for people to hire."

Donghyuck wraps his arms around Mark's neck, smiling at him as he speaks. Like this, they feel more than friends, more than an oath to late night rendezvous, more than just fuck buddies; it makes Donghyuck uncomfortable but he wants it....he wants it so bad. 

"Ok, Mr. Man." He places a quick peck on his nose before speeding away so that Mark can't see just how nervous it makes him and won't be able to pick up just how much he wants it. 

They dedicate the next few days before the start of their second semester to interviewing a shit storm of -mostly university students who needed to make a quick buck because who else would want the job when Mark wasn't parading his family name on his back- candidates for the positions of being a temporary planner, software designer and social media manager. 

They decided these were the only positions they were offering, at least until they started making some profit and didn't have to do everything themselves. 

They held some pretty normal interviews, some really concerning, some really depressing but some overall promising ones that let them feel excited for their conquest. It allowed them to look forward to this new step and to help them dream over the racks of money they'd -hopefully- be bringing in. Come on, it's a interactive dating help app and business, you could either hit or completely miss. 


"Are you planning for us to buy a building, Sir?"

"Why do you keep addressing me so formally?" He whines, moving forward to bite at Donghyuck's bottom lip, before lacing with his lips a chaste kiss for a greeting. 

Donghyuck climbs onto the couch that Mark always seems to be seated on. "Cause it's sexy, now answer my question."

He coaxes the younger man to slide on his lap, gripping at the soft of his thighs. "We could do it here, at home. On the veranda outside." Mark points as if to the outside, but his finger only sees as far as the front door. 

Donghyuck looks in its direction even though he knows the door is closed. "But it's so ugly Mark. We haven't done any decorating at all." He starts whining, accompanying his tone was a wiggle to his hips to which Mark responds with a stilling grip on his waist; a warning to stop moving.

"Fine, let's go." Mark responds verbally. But, Donghyuck is confused. 

Mark maneuvers to lift Donghyuck even though seated and carries him to the front door, then placing him down, just above his outside slippers. With the gasp that leaves his mouth, Donoghyuck feels his dick jump at the display of Mark's strength. He's set down, hot and flustered, pushing his small feet in his sandals. 

"Let's go shopping for your stupid decorations." Mark says with no bite, holding his hand out for Donghyuck to hold. "We can make it look however you want."


If Donghyuck has ever felt like a giggly high school student, it's now. To date, this is his first time openly receiving affection from a person other than his mother and best friends -that he makes a mental note to catch up with soon. So granted, he's a bit giddy. Who can blame him?

Somehow Mark becomes a comedian to Donghyuck as he lives in his little world, where they're not holding hands because they're business partners on some convoluted road in their personal relationship but they're actually together. They're...boyfriends. 

It's the first time Donghyuck realizes he wants Mark to be his boyfriend. 

As Mark pays and they head home together in Mark's car, Donghyuck's head is lost in the clouds. The placement of Mark's hand, planted on his inner thigh does nothing to ease his delusion and to be honest, he doesn't want it to. He's happier there; happier in the land where he deserved the man that he wants. 

When they arrive, Mark makes sure to take hold on Donghyuck's hand once more as they walk towards their home with only the first few bags of new home decorations. 

As they walk closer, it's made clear to them both that they are not the only ones there. Donghyuck swears it's his father shifting around, here to bother him again, to remind him just how much he's shit again. This is until he hears sniffles and they cautiously approach the front door until the sniffling figure shifts and the moonlight kindly illumines his features. 

It's Jeno.

He's crouched with his knees to his chest, his hand roughed over his messy hair. His breathing is heavy. 

Tears streaming down his face. 

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