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This chapter has mention of slave trade, child trafficking and sex trafficking. 


Donghyuck is out of the hospital just shy of a week from check in. He's recovered well in blood count and is only left with a cast on his leg as the benign reminder of his father's attempts to kill him. The scene already a broken cassette in his memory; he doesn't need a physical reminder as well. Other than the relentless flashbacks, the constant tears that threaten to overflow and the wheelchair he's been restricted to, Donghyuck is the same ol' dude...or at least he's trying to be. 

Mark's been different, Donghyuck realizes. A bit distant, a bit skittish. Of course he hugs, kisses and tends to Donghyuck as he should -especially as he is recovering- but he's been really busy, diving his nose into God knows what. Researching and on phone calls for hours only to look away when Donghyuck calls for his help in reaching certain things or other mundane tasks. 

Donghyuck doesn't mind though. He opts to live without the same look in Mark's eyes every time his eyes catch his, every time his eyes flicker down to his leg. He wishes for his recovery time to pass peacefully without having to confront Mark's eyes of pity, regret and guilt mixed overpowering whatever emotion he has in the moment. He doesn't like it. Because, if the accident is anybody's fault, it's Donghyuck's. Whatever Donghyuck did to upset his dad is obviously unforgiveable, the thoughts of 'I shouldn't have been born' are not new to the boy and they've only increased with age. 

They're watching the news together -on the same couch they seem to do everything. Mark stiff and straight, keenly watching the broadcast as Donghyuck leaned on him, sick foot laid on the couch, relaxed and barely at attention. The words of the news reporter bounced on the tense air and flowed leisurely into his ears as he dozed off slightly. 

That's until the words 'the Lee family business will be under investigation until further notice' and the ones that follow make their way to his eardrums and he's paralyzed in....how can I explain this?

Have you ever experienced the earth simply freeze? Is that not it? Has your world ever froze while everything else continues? Have your mind ever completely blanked and you struggle to find something to focus on while simultaneously, your mind is rampant and busy and you struggle to maintain one particular thought? Have your ever started to feel weak to the point where you'd be happy to black out for a bit just because realization struck you so hard? Have you ever felt your world shatter? Have you ever felt as if you were simply looking onto your life as it passed by, time fast and oddly slow synchronously?

This is how it feels for both but for completely different reasons. 

For Mark, this is secret he's kept for his family for over a decade. Something that has been eating him up inside, something he never shared in his family's trust that it would never get out, something he never knew how to share because how the fuck do you tell someone that and something that no one would even believe because it's "the Lee family". So the words, "Lee Wonhyung arrested on suspicion of leading a child and sex trafficking ring. The Lee Estate business and all related business, under family members and friends, will be investigated" circle around his mind as he's finally let the cat out of the bag. 

For Donghyuck, this is something he's hearing for the first time ever. Something he's never expected, something so fucking vile still something he never expected his dad to be a part of -the dad that tried to murder his own seed. "So far, it has been tipped off that Lee Eunhyuck, a family friend, from the Lee's Law firm is involved; this will be investigated further as well." doesn't leave his mind either. 

Mark is definitely nervous about Donghyuck's reaction but its solemn, reserved and leaves a chilled feeling in the room -icy and detached.  "What will happen to our business, Mark? Will they come and investigate us too...or did you have something to do with it?" It's so low and calm, but with a hint of confusion -desperation almost. In Donhghyuck's head, they are supposed to be punished along with them. 

The snippets of information that Mark has given him over the past few months come together slightly, but not enough to paint a full picture. It's not enough to explain what the fuck the news reporter just said.

"Well...please allow me to go through this slowly, okay?" Donghyuck nods in reply. Mark is anxious, completely stilled in fear as this is the first time he's ever shared something that has weighted so heavy on his heart. "You know how I told you I was estranged from my dad, right?" The remaining news report long forgotten in the background, useless words filling the air. "That's because when I was really young, I found out about all this," he gestures to the television, "and I thought it was wrong but everyone around me went about their lives as if it was normal. It was only when I was a little older when I realized it's because it makes them all money so they could care less where it comes from and how fucking horibble human trade is. And I didn't want to be a part of that so I moved away when I could...to try to do things the right way. I still didn't know how to say anything though and it took me really long and I feel really bad because people have died in the trade since I've taken so long to finally say something."

"Wow." Nausea levels rise in Donghyuck's body as he takes in everything Mark is saying. "How did you know my dad was involved?" He gasps as a thought comes to mind. "Is this the thing that you were talking about when you said you wouldn't be angry if the news got out??"

Mark nods to Donghyuck's question before answering the others. "Well...your dad said he was a 'comrade' of my dad's and he also said he had something that could end our business....I just assumed that he was talking about this because nothing else made sense to me. It was a risk but he fucking tried to kill you; I wanted him to suffer for as long as possible. Of course, he was bluffing about the leverage he had over us because he knew that the ring wouldn't affect us...plus since I was the one that turned him in, they already investigated our business...and we're clean. I just needed your dad to go away for good and I needed to come clean with everything since people were literally being sold and I could've done something and this whole time I didn't."

"I'm proud of you, Mark." Is all Donghyuck remembers saying before the rest of the day whirls by.

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