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It's weird now??

Weird...maybe awkward?

Whatever it is, both men are literally incapable of being in the same room for longer than five minutes without being reduced to a fire of crimson red with memories of the night before fresh in their minds. 

Mark just wants to watch the television in the living room but is restricted to peeping from his bedroom door just to make sure Donghyuck is nowhere in sight. 

It's not long after hours of completely hiding away from his roommate, that Mark wants nothing more than to just see his face.

So maybe he goes into Donghyuck's room just to tell him that the e-mails -that they both worked on and sent to several banks together- were already sent out and they should be expecting a response soon. But, it's not like Donghyuck didn't already know; Mark was just being cautious. It's not exactly like he desperately needed to mention it now, it's just valuable information. 

Luckily for Mark, his flurry of emotions weren't one-sided.

Donghyuck's been trashing around in his bed, not getting any homework done because his brain keeps reminding him of everything Mark Mark Mark. And it's not even what you'd think; Donghyuck just wants a little cuddle. 

Yesterday wasn't the first time he'd hugged Mark but the situation made the embrace that much more comforting. Not to mention that he'd fallen asleep to the rising and falling of Mark's chest after sharing some of his deepest and darkest stories from his children. And it's all just floating around in his mind; the listening eyes peering at him to show that Mark was invested in every single thing that Donghyuck had to say, the tender voice of consolation as Mark empathized with him and the absolute comfort as they laid in silence just looking at each other, experiencing each other

He's never felt that intimate with someone else before, and now that he has, he definitely doesn't want to lose it. Thoughts move through his head like a bullet train, and Donghyuck is a mere two seconds away from going insane. So when Mark comes into his room for obviously no reason, he takes the opportunity to give him a nice big hug -only denying himself the selfish desire to plant a wet kiss on his cheeks. 

The initial shock on Mark's features quickly morph into something else. There's a quirk of the eyebrow and a purse to the lips. His lip corners upturn, he looks down at Donghyuck slightly and scoffs, seeming to say wow, you just cant keep your hands off me. And Donghyuck nods at the words he merely imagined, crumpling Mark's shirt a bit. 

It's a really smug smile that accommodates Mark's next words. "You know you're a good kisser." 


Later that day, Donghyuck is unceremoniously called from his room when Mark asks him to help with a maths problem. Except Donghyuck knows Mark doesn't do any math courses and for the little he does in his major, he doesn't need Donghyuck's help. From Mark's perspective though, since Donghyuck is better at maths, he needs all the support that comes from him being only two centimetres away as he meticulously -and slowly- answers each question. 

"Hyuck, I don't understand this one." He shoves the book towards the younger boy and Donghyuck deadpans at the question. He looks up to see a pout on Mark's lips and immediately sighs, maybe I should try it just for him

Donghyuck takes Mark's book and pen and starts on the really simple question, which continued with him answering the rest of the questions on the page. Mark has absolutely nothing to do while his homework is being done for him so it's perfectly normal for him to find himself staring at his roommate's pretty lips. "I really like your lips, Donghyuck"

He tries, honest to god, tries to act unaffected but it's futile as his skin promptly responds in a bursts of pink on his cheeks and upper chest. 

"Can you help me with something?" Mark asks when he's finished pretending that he actually needed Donghyuck's help in multiplying profits. Donghyuck is already doing this much, so why not he reasons with himself. "I want to ask someone out and I haven't had to do that in a really long time so can I practise on you?"

Donghyuck recalls Mark had no other friends -except his- so really and truly, to access the best practice, he really is Mark's only option. It's for that reason and that reason only, why he concedes. 

"Can you do telekinesis? Because you've made a part of me move without even touching it." Mark starts off, in his opinion, weak. 

"Lame, try again." Donghyuck is a tough judge, not even granting a pity smile at Mark's attempt.

"Damn, that wouldn't work on you at all?" Donghyuck affirms with a nod of his head and a slight scowl. "Fine, I'll try again. This one is gonna be stronger so don't get shocked, okay?"

"One of my friends told me boys hate oral, do you wanna help me prove him wrong?" Mark tries again, making cute little finger guns at Donghyuck. 

"Okay....that one wasn't that bad" Donghyuck relents his rigid persona, cracking under Mark's cute act.

Mark smiles from ear to ear at Donghyuck's positive reaction. "Ok, ok. One more."

"Fuck me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?"

Donhyuck can't help the laugh he lets out from that one and they have a cute laugh at it for a while before they both calm down. The smile cast on his features from his fit of giggles are still present as he asks, "Who are you tryna fuck, Mark Lee?"


"No, just no, Mark. Absolutely not." Maybe he's being a bit too harsh. Maybe Donghyuck is putting too much thought into something that he wants just as much. "Mark, you fuck people every other day, why would I go into a relationship with you right away? I barely know you! You may be still attached to the lifestyle." I didn't even know you liked guys like that, he doesn't say. He tries to soften his tone and lighten the mood with a slight shove to the shoulder and three practised giggles as he finishes speaking. 

"I haven't fucked anyone in over two weeks but you know who I've been thinking about for the last month?" He pouts his lips and gestures towards Donghyuck's chest, poking the flesh above his heart.  "You" He actually giggles. Mark doesn't seem to be taking this too seriously, another reason why Donghyuck shouldn't get his hopes up so much; Mark just wants to play around. 

Donghyuck planned to speak but before he could, Mark does, "I actually like you Donghyuck and I'd like to see where we could go." Donghyuck has never met a most brazen, straight-forward, openly interested possible partner in his life; maybe because no one was ever interested, his mind doesn't fail to add. 

With a why not, Donghyuck lifts from his seat to manoeuvre a peck on Mark's nose, it reddens soon after. "At least you're cute."

"I'm not ready for that Mark, and I don't think you are either."


i dunno about this chapter guys, i feel like i fell really short with the writing. im trying to make the rest better

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