✸helpful note✸

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In South Korea, the school year starts in March then goes until the first week in July then starts again in August and goes all the way to February so they're only two semesters. There are winter, summer and spring breaks and other national and religious holidays. However, they are not as long as typical western holiday durations. They have mid-term exams as well. I am not from South Korea so I may get some things wrong but I wanted to take a more factual route. 

The Chuseok holiday is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar on the full moon but extra public holidays are given for the day before and after. 


There'll be atleast one update per week, not necessarily 7 days apart though; just a different week. I may establish a set update day however, depending on how writing goes. 

The first five or so chapters are mostly set up and the majority or actions and interactions afterwards so please bare with me. I'll try to get the first chapters out of the way as quickly as possible.


This was it, this was the day. 

Donghyuck's high school graduation.

One's supposed to feel happy, right? As he sits among the hundreds of graduating students, he can't help but dread his future. Yes, he's made it through the three seemingly undending years of high school and was at the end of this road in life, but high school was his safety net. University was the world outside, daunting and infinite. With high school, you were told what to do, you knew what was coming next, you weren't yet an adult, you had a crutch. 

Now, by all means, Donghyuck was left to fall. 

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