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Let me tell you about Mark's family. This little rich university boy comes from a lineage of even richer of business moguls. He's been around the world of entrepreneurship his whole life, he knows how it inside and out.

Throughout the generations of business men, the family had seen very huge failures and very plentiful success, sometimes more than they care to share. But most of all, they are best known for their Korean realtor and real estate services. Their seemingly most successful venture was started by Mark's great grandfather. This business made their family a household name and everyone had it on their life goals to own one of their houses one day.

As a son of the family, Mark was expected to follow into that lime light and hold big positions in the firm as well so he was sent away to university to major in 'Real Estate' but he didn't really see himself following those footsteps exactly.

He saw himself in business, of course, -money was far too important- but never really knew what to do with that thought....at least by himself. And thats where the boy lying on his chest comes in. That's where this cute little angel could help. Mark could only see it as a win-win situation, he would become successful and emancipate himself from the cuffs of his family business and Donghyuck would no longer be accustomed to such a low standard of living.

Mark's not going to deny it though, losing all the quirks of privilege in his family empire would contribute some 'lose' to his 'win-win' situation but he prefers to ignore it. With the riches and respect earned from your country for putting so many people in nice homes, you received power and Mark's family had that.

He knows this because he's seen it. It's the amount of people they've had fired from their jobs from simple mistakes that tells Mark he'd rather do this on his own.

Actually, no, he first noticed it in third grade when they were all running about in some kid game. A particular boy happened to scuff Mark's shoe as he was running by and Mark just so happened to never see that boy at his school again.

His father had a way of abusing his power simply because he could, so he did, and he didn't care. Mark knows this because he's seen it.

He was only eleven when he heard about it for the first time but even from then, he knew it was terrible what they'd do. This was when he pledged to himself to emancipate himself. At eleven years old, Mark had known all too much about their precious family empire. He decided that that type of power was not for him. And he would never identify himself as part of Lee Realtors Ltd. for as long as he lived.


I know it's not much but we're finally getting into the meat of the story in the next chapter.

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