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Author's note: hey there my wonderful readers I'm back again from my break, I'm sorry for the long wait. And because I am back I would like to make a big request from you readers.
Please I beg of you lovely people or other fantastic beings, leave some comments on how my story is going, it can anything you want I don't mind. I love getting feedback because it helps me to become better at writing and gives you all an exciting story to read. And hey I don't mind if it's hate comments I really don't mind, just please let me hear your opinions and thoughts down below in the great white void.
Thank you I love all of y'all❤️

One month later....

Knockout yawned for what seemed like the eighth time today and looked up from his desk in the med- bay in boredom, he was absolutely bored and nothing to do. All of his main jobs and chores were done around the ship ,he has checked up on ark angel about her fixed nightmares, he gave phantom a look over for Lord megatron and finally buffed up his beautiful finish and now he's just sitting down at his desk doing absolutely nothing.
"*sigh* maybe I should go play with the kids.....nah they'll probably be with their parents doing extra lessons, megatron is too busy with his son and everyone else is off doing there own thing or whatever people do" he said to himself then stood up to do a stretch and walked out of the bay and into the hallways.
After about five minutes of just walking he heard bulkhead talking to someone in the small communication room and he walked inside quietly to see that the wrecker was talking to wheeljack.
"Please jacky just come over sometime and we can some fun, you know like the good old days" bulky said in a slighty tired yet irritated voice and wheeljack just rolled his optics.
"I'm sorry bulk, but I'm not going to trust any decepticon that says that they have become a good guy, not after so many friends we have lost" wheeljack grumbled as he spotted the red mech in the background. "We can't even have a descent conversation without one of them spying on us" he gestured behind the screen and bulkhead turned around with surprise, knockout didn't know what to do and so he just smiled with a wave, awkwardly trying to act cool.
"Knockout what are you- ugh" the green giant then spun back around to wheeljack with a angry expression and slammed his servos on the counter, luckily he didn't break anything. "Ok you know what , that's it I've had enough of this, I'm so tired of trying to help you with your grudge but if your going to be this stubborn then fine, I give up!!" He then left the room with loud stomps of anger and knockout just stood there again in silence.
"Tch, and I thought that sparkling's had tantrums when they were grumpy" jacky said to himself and was about to turn off the video chat until knockout came into the full view of the camera.
"And I thought that starscream was a stubborn scrap heap, but do you really think that your grudge is stronger than your seven eons worth of friendship with bulkhead. You really need to loosen up or else your going to get stiff...." knockout turned around but just before he left the room he said, " hate me all you want but don't destroy your friendship with the autobots ok, we all can't die alone in this universe" he then turned off the chat and caught up to bulkhead in the hallway, leaving the samurai wrecker alone with his troubled thoughts. " hey bulky wait up!"
The wrecker slowed down and turned to knockout, he wore a sadden expression but he tried to make an effort to faintly smile but he just sighed and slumped his broad shoulders.
"Uh... I'm sor-" bulkhead was going to apologise for storming off before, but knockout just shushed him by reaching up with his right servo to bulkhead's lower lip and softly smiled.
"There's no need for you to apologise big guy, you and wheeljack just had a simple argument that's all" knockout said as they continued down the hallway.
"Yeah I know, but he just doesn't understand that the war is finally over and he's still.... *sigh* I don't know how to get him to help us to restore our home" the friendly giant vented with his helm bowed, they turned a corner and a group of vehicons waved at them and knockout waved back along with bulkhead too.
"Don't worry I'm pretty he'll come around some day,  but honestly you can't force someone to become all goody goody with murderous decepticons. Even we cons have some a old grudges with the autobots but eventually we all will be getting along soon once cybertron is restored, hopefully " knockout gently explained and saw bulkhead nod in agreement.
"Yeah I suppose your right knockout, not everyone will accept the massive change when we get back home" bulk then looked down at the doc with a smile and knockout returned the gesture. "Thanks knockout, I've been really stressed out lately  about jacky and miko, no offence but I've been kinda lonely without them"
"No worries there big guy, because I feel the exact same way about breakdown, despite him and I constantly fighting when we were younger, our carrier had to always break us up. But in the end my brother and I still loved each other" the cherry mech smiled to himself as he remembered eons ago when he and breakdown would have races and go to awesome championship events. He terribly missed breakdown but he was happy to know that he wasn't suffering anymore and is with the allspark, or he is haunting them right now, who knows?
"Yeah I miss him too, I miss our little brawls and strange one liners" bulkhead chuckled and they both reached the training room where bee, smokescreen, arcee, and all three sparklings where playing a miniature game of lob ball, bee and Smokey where just messing around with some the old weapons and training dummy's. Megatron went out to do some business with optimus and soundwave while arcee took care of phantom, the baby sparkling is now half the size of a toddler in her arms.
Angel noticed the new comers and transformed then flew around knockout and bulkhead then perched on bulkhead's shoulder, she changed back into her bipedal form with a giggle.
"Hey uncles, what's up! Do you guys wanna play with us!?"she asked and the mechs just looked at each other and shrugged.
"Sure why not, I've been bored for most of the day anyway" knockout said with a smile.
"Of course, I wanna teach you sparklings some cool tricks about lob balling"
For the next hour or so they had fun just fooling around, after some time bee and Smokey joined in with the others on the floor in a circle as they passed the ball around to one another. Bulkhead got hold phantom for the first time and the baby just laughed and nearly fell asleep in his right servo but the child woke up a few minutes later to play with knockout.
Everyone was having fun and later on bee and knockout got to have a friendly brawl for old time sake and luckily the red mech didn't get scratched.
After another forty klicks had passed arcee was about to leave to go pick up human jack from work early via ground bridge, she wanted to spend as much with jack before they permanently leave, its was going to terribly spark wrenching but it has to be done when the time comes but right now they were going to have fun.
Just as she reached the door she hunched over suddenly while holding her lower back with a hiss, everyone immediately piped up and knockout ran over to her to hold her up by the arm and waist.
"What's wrong, are you hurt?" He asked and she stood up right with a nod.
"Yeah I think I'm aright knockout" she answered while rubbing the sore area along her spine, knockout as always couldn't help but to chuckle to himself as he knew what might have been the problem as he let go of her and the femme leaned up against the wall.
"Oh dear, how many times have I told you and starscream, you both need to ease down on the physical lovey dovey stuff ok or you'll both be loosing parts and limps, just like jetfire if you both continue to these naughty things" he smirked and received a punch in the arm from the blue femme.
"Oh yes ha, ha you hilarious but we haven't, uh...." she blushed blue even deeper as she didn't want to finish her explanation. "Done it sense Halloween so....... maybe starscream just accidentally pumped into something just then, but worry I'm ok I'm just gonna go pick up jack from work - gun!" she said but then suddenly the stinging sensation happened again in the same area but along with a little pit of tingles in her stomach. Knockout then pick up her bridal style and took her to the med-Bay. Her kids followed behind them and the others stayed put in the training room with phantom.

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