A Warning Written In Blood

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Author's note: hey guys I'm back again from my very x3 long break, the reason being is because I am craftsman artist who loves to make art dolls and other things as well when ever I am done writing a chapter, I'm so sorry for taking so long in making them but I PROMISE that I will continue to write this story until the end. Even though it may take longer than expected because of personal work related reasons that I HAVE to do, meaning that some of these chapters may be shorter now because for some odd reason it's takes me about three or four days to write than edit them, and trust me it's not because of watt pad problems or anything like that, I'm just very lazy sometimes and it's because I am drawing new pictures for this book.
Please forgive me my darling readers for the long wait but now I am back and so without further ado let's continue on with the story.

"For many days and nights, all I could think was their screams of agony in their enforced act of intimacy, until I came to realise that I needed to get stop whimpering like a coward and collect all of the information I needed to escape. Even though I couldn't understand a word that the small creatures were saying"

Five months later....
Predaking's entire frame was twisting into a tight knot as his tanks were desperately crying out for substances, begging for the liquidity life force to lubricate his inner circuits, to give him a chance to open his optics from the lack of strength. After the first three weeks of being energon deprived the scientists and silas had agreed upon to continue this method of feeding to make predaking more cooperative during their experiments, but they needed to be careful that they don't starve him to death seeing as how they nearly lost him once or twice. But silas still refuses to change the system as his sadistic pleasure is growing stronger everyday.
The scientists had finally brought in three huge barrels of energon crystals that they have mined over the past few months, it was around this time in the outside world that the autobots and the decepticons were having trouble trying to find the energon that they needed to survive, even after when the cons generously gave half of their rations to the autobots, it still wasn't enough to sustain all of their needs, especially for the sparklings.
But luckily though the energon crystals will eventually regenerate back over time, just like human baby teeth, the old crystals will be salvaged and after a long period of time, approximately after ten thousand, five hundred years new ones will emerge from the earth's soil. But as soon all of the old energon crystals are removed from the earth, every single cybertronian being will be in big trouble and eventually they're all going to starve to death...... And now with MECH knowing of the energon crystals and their purpose from Starscream a long time, MECH were becoming even more dangerous than they all thought. They were no longer the decepticons in human skin anymore, now they are nothing more than the reincarnations of  unicron's black spark in flesh bounded shells.

The scientists ordered their soldiers to loosen the chains around the predacon's helm enough to allow him to open his massive maw and for once he wasn't trying to roar or attempt to kill the humans with his fiery breath seeing as how his his tanks were controlling him in this moment of time and even if he really wanted to spit fire right now, he couldn't because of the lack of energy. The scientists then used a machine with a long arm to pick up each metal barrel and tossed it into the dragon's intake, at first predaking didn't like the taste of metal but eventually he got used to it  and thankfully the metal of the barrel hasn't effected his digestive system, well not yet anyways. The energon crystals has been keeping up his strength long enough to stay awake for a whole day.
The dragon then immediately began to chomp down on the crunchy energon crystals along with the barrel and after a minute of chewing he swallowed it and begged for the next one. Greed completely took over his processor as he didn't allow a single crumb to go to waste, predaking purred deeply as he could feel the energon enter inside his systems and reboot all of his sensor nodes in his joints so that he could move them stiffly again but that meant the pain from the nails impaled into his limbs will also slither into his nerves systems too, but after a long time of doing nothing and just sitting there, predaking has built up his pain immunity, just a little though.
Predaking was then given another barrel and while he was chewing on it, silas walked into the room with his servos behind his back with a smirk staining his face, predaking then looked up after swallowing and began to growl deeply, he did this because normally whenever silas came in to visit him, it'll be to tease and treat him like a robo dog by petting him on the helm and using stupid pet names.
"So how's my little drago doin' yeah, are you enjoying your treats?" Silas leaned down to place his right servo on the predacon's helm and in response predaking harshly jerked away from him, snarling aggressively at his capture with glowing golden optics. "Now now, there's no need to be so angry" silas said then stood back up and walked over to the scientists sitting at the computers. "So, what are the results for today on the subject?"
One scientist turned in his chair with the schematics with both of Airachnid and shockwave's hunger levels that are being compared to predaking's right now.
"The predacon's energy and hunger levels are in a more critical state than the last time we fed him, the subject nearly died of starvation again sir" the man explained while looking over at the predacon who was eating the last barrel. "Sir we need to be more careful if we want the predacon to survive in our next line of experiments with him in a conscious state, and if we keep denying him of the energon over the course of three weeks, he may possibly die for real"
"No" silas said in a dead monotone voice.
"H-how come sir, the predacon's vital nearly went fla-" in the blink of an eye silas' large servo was wrapped around the man's torso and held him up in the air, the other scientists in the room all jumped in surprise but didn't do anything to stop their boss in this brutal moment.
"Let me just remind you all of who's in charge here ok" silas then clenched his digits tightly around the small human's body causing him to cry out in pain and claw at the metal fingers for mercy but to avail his effects were wasted, he begged his master to stop as he could feel his organs being squeezed together and blood began to wriggle up his throat, until suddenly a loud *SNAP!* was heard that made the whole room go quiet, even predaking was a little frightened to see the human's body go completely limb with what looked like a red oily substance leaking out of his intake?
A silent moment of fear had passed in the room and silas dropped the bloody corpse to the floor with a wet slap and then he looked around the room to see that everyone was in shock, he merely scoffed and put his servos behind his back again and spoke in a calm voice.
"From now on the predacon will only be fed every four weeks and in at about two weeks from now we will be getting a visit from doctor Fujirama and his team, so that means that everyone needs to be on their best behaviour ok or else.." He than glanced over at predaking and slowly made his way towards him while still speaking, "Their will be more blood shed from all of you" in that moment predaking had somehow understood all of what the cyborg had said and he shivered slightly from the broken con's dead optics staring deep into his reanimated soul. "The more you suffer in silence, the more control I have over your scared shitless little mind" the last words few he spoke were laced with venom that stung deeply into the cloned predacon's spark, rendering him paralysed with fear, but that only fuelled his growing hatred and determination to escape, no matter the cost.
Silas then recomposed himself by clearing his throat and walked towards the door, leaving the lab so calmly that all the humans in the room were afraid to even make a single noise, just in case their leader decided to kill them too.
"*sigh* well then, I'm off to see how my itsy bitsy little spider is going"
All of the humans eventually got back to work after when two guardsmen came in to clean up the mess that their boss had made and whispers of silas' none existent sanity was spreading throughout the base, this poor man's sacrifice had made everyone think twice about their leader's obsession over these alien robots. But their silent mumblings were soon dismissed in the lab as they continued to monitor and prepare for the next rounds of testing for the future, but there was one engineer in the base that had a complete change of heart as soon as he saw the warning written in blood who goes by the nickname of Sparkplug Witwicky.
He was the one who turned from bad to good in a instant because all sentient beings have the capacity to change for the good of humanity.

Author's note: hey guys here's a challenge for ya, you have to guess who is Sparkplug from the transformers universe, don't worry he is a cannon character and I don't if you guys use the internet to guess him. And the first person  who guesses right in the comments will get a massive shout out from me. And please feel free to tell how you all are liking the story so far, I love reading everyone thoughts and opinions of my story.
Thank you all soo much for the love and support. ❤️😄

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