Tomorrow Part Four: Time is Running Out

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Warning: this chapter contains a lot woman abuse content and violence, please read with caution. You have been warned, please enjoy.

Six months and three days later within the Sector Seven base.....

For one day and one day only, silas is allowing  both Airachnid and shockwave off of their crucifixion stands and are to put into a room together to see how they will interact with each other after all this time of being separated. But of course silas is making sure to put up all of the safety precautions and punishment sessions just in case they try to do anything stupid to either each other or themselves. In the past Airachnid has tried to kill herself a few times and silas has grown more unstable and enraged by her actions that causes him physically lash out at her to a point where she can't even lift up a single digit. Along with shockwave too but the cyclops can take the punches and kicks easily, and now in the present day all he does is harasses Airachnid with his intake and servos and leaves shockwave alone with an empty stomach tank. Even though he knows that they are connected he still gets the satisfaction of hearing their conjoined screams of pain.
Today will be different and anxiety inducing for the scientists because for them it's like showing a new cat or dog to an old grown up pet, it's nerve racking and exciting at the same time. But mostly frightening for the humans dealing with actual living robotic psychopaths.
The whole day was spent preparing a room and equipment, the scientists have made special chips for the test subjects to have on them that will immediately shut them down into a stasis lock, if they attempted to do anything bad. Everything has to be perfect for toady because it was like setting up a blind date for the unwilling cons, silas was some what jealous about this but it was best for the donor of life to see his the mother of his child or whatever they call a child on cybertron. To make sure their sparkbond is still ok they will be doing a series of the usual tests, even though the monitors says their alright so far, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Once the subjects are released from their crosses silas will have them fed and do a few exercises because they haven't walked or done anything physical for the passed three and a half months, rendering them immobile of all but the tiniest of movements. They were like unused toy action figures for silas' delight.

Silas strolled around the room as he waited for the scientists to be done soon, he looked over at shockwave and decided to have a little chat with him, he then walked up to him and stared deeply into shockwave's optic and the robotic scientist stared back blankly. A long time ago the scientists did removed the emotion codes from shockwave's processor just so they didn't tear him apart mentally, hopefully he will still be able to survive another around of the procreation sessions in the future once the first baby is born and if he doesn't, well....there are many other unwilling victims to find.
But ever sense when predaking escaped from the base silas has been demanding his men to increase the security and defences against inevitable attacks from the either the government or any remaining autobots still out there.

"So, shockwave are you excited to see your baby mama again, it's been awhile hasn't it and you must be worried about her to death, right?" Silas said with a hint of sarcasm in his broken voice, shockwave still hasn't said anything sense the breeding experience, it's kinda like he's been traumatised from being forced to rape Airachnid or maybe he's just being an ignorant afthole so he doesn't have to deal with the walking grey dead height's bullshit, and yes after this time of silas being inside of breakdown's body has caused the offlined cybertronian to become completely grey and rustic and devoid of all colour expect for his hollow optics."Hmm, I inquire that you already know about your pet's escape back to the decepticons, or even the autobots. Oh wait, I forgot to tell you something. My team and I destroyed the autobots along with their base in jasper Nervada, all thanks to their human comrades" Silas explained and used his digits to tilt up shockwave's helm a little so he can see how shockwave supposedly talks from, but he guessed that they can find out that later once they have enough living weapons in his army. Silas then chuckled to himself as a thought come to mind and he let go of shockwave's helm, "I wonder what your pick up lines are towards the ladies on your planet, would it be something like 'hey do you like heavy metal? Because I can teach you how to scream tonight baby'" he then bursted out laughing until he heard one of his men call out to him.
"Sir, siirrrr, everything is ready now for the next-guhhh!" The man was then almost squished by silas' large ped as the master made his way over to Airachnid.
"Excellent, now I shall help Airachnid out of her bonds" he then quickly removed the cables out of her body so they don't cause any major damages and then undid the cuffs around her stubby arms and arms. As soon as she was freed from her bonds she immediately fell forwards but silas was there to catch her then picked her up like a bride and took her away into an other room where she will be tested for any joint problems and unfortunately because of her large swollen belly, she can't walk anymore, so for the time being she will be remained seated for the date. Shockwave was fine as well and was ok to walk but with a limp in his step and a bit unbalanced because the lack of huge cannon.
An hour passed and it was finally time to start the family reunion, both shockwave and Airachnid were sitting there silently in the prisoner like room with long concrete benches on either side of the room, not saying a single word to each other as they both stared down at the was kinda awkward and silas decided to go check up on a few things, especially with doctor Fujiyama and will be immediately called if something happens.

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