Tomorrow Part One: Their Final Words

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Warning: this may will contain spoilers of my first book, so please go read that story first if you haven't already (even though my story is really long)

As the sun rose upon the land that day, it's brilliant bright pink and orange coloured light painted the earth, sky and ocean in its finest beauty of perfected hues, it's calm and tranquil aura never seized to amaze even the most sorrowful of beings every time they saw the rising dawn each morning, such as a Titan who's entire purpose was war and self hatred. This particular Titan has never felt the feeling of love or peace ever sense he lost the one he cared about the most in his life, but he can still hear her dove like voice in the wind as he looks down upon this poor excuse of a dirt ball planet, yet this planet still had its capabilities of 'good use' if a certain goody trailer wearing two shoe would stop bothering him every time the Titan tried to concur it, it was just a constant battle of cat vs dog of good and evil, sometimes the Titan just wishes that his enemy came to his side or just leaved him alone entirely, but then it wouldn't be as fun over these past seven millenia years.
That's just how the universe works though, good, bad and those who are caught in between, some people call it the balance of the yin and yang, others call it the force or chi as well, but they all relate to one purpose. It's all up to you on how you wield that power, do you use it to control and destroy the innocent or bless and protect all life itself.
Well, for this once noble and cunning gladiator he used to he channel his power into his body and weapons to defeat his competitors in the pits of kaon until he decided to conceal it for a long period of time as long as possible, until one day he chose the path of pain and destruction again to kill millions, only because death was not kind to his lover and his unborn sparkling, therefore fuelling his eternal rage that has lead him up to this very moment.
Megatron stood on the very edge of his ship, staring down through the clouds and onto the sandy beaches of Egypt, almost every morning whenever he was awake early enough he would go up on the flight deck to either watch the sun rise up in the sky or go for a short flight around the area of the current location they were in.
The grey gladiator breathed in then out heavily and looked up into the now blue sky and closed his optics to listen to the wind whistle through the small crevices of his armour and felt the gentle kiss against his cheek as he slowly opened his optics lids and saw a faint silhouette of a figure he's know all of his life that was vastly fading off into the open air, Megatron reach out to grab her servo but all he felt was a cool breath of air flow through his digits along with it whispering the same words she said before her spark dimmed away forever.
"Tomorrow, think of tomorrow and follow the light, for we will be there waiting for you when it is time to become one with the allspark....."
Megatron sighed again then let his arm fall to his side and muttered his final words he said long ago to himself while feeling the cold soft clouds embracing him.
"I will, tomorrow we shall be together again, I promise"

Knockout yawned loudly with his arms out stretched as he entered inside the main control room, Optimus, ratchet and soundwave were already awake as soon as the new day came around, they looked towards the red doctor with welcoming grins as they all stood there for Megatron's arrival, well soundwave obviously didn't express any emotion but he did greet him with a nod while typing at the computer, the cherry red mech simply waved with a big smile adorning his features as well while approaching them. To be honest it really creeped him out that the autobots were recharging in the same ship as the cons were and not hearing the sound of cannon fire or lazy catch phrases really in the heat of battle really did feel strange to him. But knockout really didn't mind at all and was happy that the war had finally ended AND was happy that his precious will never be scratched again..... Hopefully.
"Good morning everyone did you both have a nice recharge last night?" Knockout asked, ratchet felt a bit nervous to answer but before he could say anything, Optimus spoke up first.
"It was a little strange given our long history of war together, but I believe we slept well and are thankful for your hospitality" the prime then looked down towards his old friend to confirm the answer to knockout's question and the medic nodded in agreement.
"Um, well, yes I have to agree with Optimus, but I don't mean to rude but I did hear some rather odd noises last night and that really did put me on edge, no offence" ratchet said with a questioning tone.
"Huh what do you mean because normally at night we hear the insecticons scurrying around the halls and that's it, could, uh, describe the sound please?" The red con asked and as fait would have to it, the two makers of said 'odd noises' walked right into the room with tired yet smiley expressions painted on their face plates. Everyone glanced up at them casually that some how made the couple blush like mad as they almost forgot that someone was listening in on them last night.
"Uh, ah g-good morning everyone" Arcee stuttered and marched confidently on the bridge with Starscream following behind her. Knockout got the hint immediately and wickedly smirked, ratchet just rolled his optics with a small smile and was handed a cube of energon from soundwave, the silent mech received many thank yous from everyone as he was handing out small energon rations.
"Oh~so it was you two lovely banshies making all those noises last night hmm~" knockout teased with a wink, both star and Cee blushed deeply again and the seeker nervously answered with a sheepish grin.
"Well, uh...let's just say that it has been a long time and we needed to let off a lot of steam" he giggled with his right servo scratching the back of his helm. Arcee just rubbed her left fore arm with the other while looking away, knockout just shrugged his feather like shoulders.
"Eh, that's understandable yet I'm surprised you both can even stand up after last night, but make sure next time to not rock the boat, you both nearly woke up the whole ship" all three of them began to laugh and were given their energon coffees, once all of the awkwardness was gone Starscream looked around to see that the big grey gladiator wasn't with them.
"Where is Megatron?" He asked then took a sip of his drink.
"Don't know, maybe he's out for his daily flight" knockout replied after taking a swig of his own drink then noticed a single vehicon shaking like crazy with bright blue cheek plates, knockout thought that it was a bit goofy lookin' but he thought that the soldier was listening in on the conversation and couldn't contain his laughter. Knockout once again shrugged and continued drinking the rest of his energon.

While they were waiting, Optimus took a quick peek at some of the ancient relic files with Soundwave's permission, of course, and saw that they were only missing one more, hopefully he and Megatron will find it before they go out to rescue their stollen comrades because with these relics they can easily bust into silas' base with little casualties as possible and save Airachnid and shockwave. Even though the humans have tormented Airachnid and shockwave for many months now, the humans may have families waiting for them but then again why would normal humans join forces with a mentally unstable man who's entire life is about murder and horrifying experiments.
Optimus' thoughts were then interrupted the very recognisable heavy ped steps of lord Megatron entering the room, the red and blue prime turned around to greet his host of this short voyage.
"Good morning Megatron"
"Like wise Optimus, I hope you all liked the accommodations we have provided you all last night" Megatron said then made his way up to the main computer to begin the meeting. "Now then everyone without a adieu, let's begin the preparation of our plan to rescue shockwave and Airachnid and destroy silas once and for all with tomorrow still in sight"

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