😈From Murdering Beauty to Sorrowful tears😔

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Warning: this chapter contains inappropriate contents such as molesting/sexual assault, intense bodily mutations and lots of violence. You have been warned, please enjoy.

"Now be a good married couple and surrender your pathetic lives to me, so we can have family reunion" Silas demanded with a sinister grin on breakdown's broken features.
'Scrap, what the pit are we supposed to do, he has silver and angel as hostages and starscream and I can't do a single fragging thing against the bastard, grr,  I hope starscream has a plan' Arcee hopelessly thought to herself then looked over at her mate to see that he was grinding his dentals so hard together that she can hear them screeching. Obviously they were out smarted again by Silas and surrendered for now by putting their servos behind their helms and kneeling on the ground. "Very good, I guess you both did learn how to respect your master properly"
"Grrrr, now let them-" starscream was saying until he got kicked in the face by Silas, starscream's body fell to the ground with a  hard *Clank!*, the seeker really wanted to kill Silas but the corpse still had his servo on the button that connected to the tanks. Arcee could've had the chance to attack but Silas pulled out a large gun and aimed it at her helm as soon as Silas connected his ped with starscream's helm, she felt the pain from her mate in her helm, but she stayed strong.
"Now now Arcee, you know what happened last time when one of you did something out of line, the innocent need to be punished for the traitor's actions. Or sometimes traitor needs to be used as an example to other for future rebellion. But in this case I'll go with the first option" Silas then harshly grabbed arcee by the throat and brought her in close to him so he can slam his crusty lips against hers. Arcee tried to fight back but he was squeezing her neck cables to hard and then he slammed her up against the wall behind him by the buttons and starscream was about to get up until suddenly he felt a wave of electricity flow through out his body, he fell to the floor again, but this time he couldn't get up. Silas looked over his shoulder and smiled widely as he placed his paralysing gun to the side then looked back arcee, "don't worry he's not dead, just paralysed and is still conscious for the time being and I as recall from my experiments with airachnid and shockwave a bonded couple can feel each other's pain, am I correct?" He then dug his digits deeper into her neck and she cried out in slight pain and he looked down to see that starscream was cringing in agitation as well. "Excellent, then this shall be fun for me as I take my revenge" Silas then shoved his whole body up against her small frame and attacked her collar plating with his intake, making sure to bite as hard as he could to draw blood.
Both silver and angel pounded harder on their glass cells but nothing worked, they've tried to transform and tear out the cables but small volts of electricity surged through out their veins, making them both wince. They couldn't do anything but watch as their carrier was being violated right in front their optics.
"Grr! I don't care about what you do to me, just don't you dare hurt my children and my mate-ahhhhh!!" Arcee demanded but then felt Silas shove two of his digits between her things and roughly scratched at her crutch plating, she tensed up immediately and attempted to punch Silas with her left fist but he only threatened her by lightly pushing against the button to the children's doom and she stopped mid way and received a wicked laugh from Silas.
"It will be your fault if you're children get hurt, so please cooperate with you're punishment" he continued to rub her until he broke through her plating and deeply inserted his digits inside, making her cry out until she bit down on her glossa to suppress the pain of his large gravel like digits. From starscream's point of view he too felt the intrusion and blushed slightly at the feeling and pain, then looked around with his burning red optics to find the gun that can undo his paralysed state, he hoped to primus that the others will find them soon. He winced internally again as he darted his optics up to see that Silas held up arcee's arms above her helm and proceeded to finger her harder and faster until he became bored and broke her left leg at the knee joint causing arcee to scream loudly that echoed through the hallways.
"Yes that's it arcee, scream for me till your hearts are barley beating and you are begging for death. And once your dead I'll kill your lover too, hahHahaAAhaHaHahAhHhahHAHAaha!!!" The true monster began to howl with laughter as he moved on to breaking her other leg and winglets, he wanted to leave the new arm last so he can harvest it for better uses in the distant future. Stascream burned with a feeling that was beyond rage and forced his own body into submission,  but nothing worked.
'Grruuaaaahhhhh!!!!! fragging move you pierce of scrap of a body!!!!!'

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