The Triggering Words of the Dammed

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As the day was starting to fade away into the chilling sun set, the echoes of death rang loudly in the air as the two lonely bots slowly made their way across the desert like plain, still holding each other's servo for comfort. Steve sighed heavily as no one was contacting him back from base, but he had to stay strong and march on forward for the sake of these sparklings and for decepticon justice or whatever?
As they reached a cliff side they both looked around and saw that in the bottom canyon there was a river and a large wall of stone and concrete further down where all of the insecticons were attacking, knowing that's where the human's sector seven base was Steve really wanted to contact his team but of course, there's no reception out here in the desert and so all they can do is wait for the calvary to arrive. From the looks of it the human's leader was outside spouting orders left and right, it sent shivers down Steve's spinal strut as he saw his old friend's rusting corpse being used as a puppet for the human's delight. 
"Steve, Steve hey I found Angel, she's down there!" Silver said and immediately Steve snapped out of his thoughts and looked in the direction where silver was pointing and saw that the young female seeker was drifting in the river below them.
"Oh ok um..." Steve was saying as he tried to think of a way down to get her, there was no clear path way down the steep canyon wall and he can't fly with his broken wing and leg, he may loose more energon if he transformed into his alt mode. Just as he was thinking up a plan quicksilver shouted.
"LOOK OUT STEVE!!" A dead insecticon was flying straight towards them and the sparkling had push the vehicon off the cliff side, falling straight into the water. The battle raged on above them as a huge explosion radiated loudly across the earth and shook the river violently in tune to its destruction and chaos as the insecticons were tearing the place apart, desperately looking for their queen but still the human's fought back with all of their new toys they made up for special occasions, and the freaky part was that some of the human's had tank like weapons that are one shot killing the bug bots.
Both Steve and quicksilver surfaced out of the water and searched around for ArkAngel and immediately they found her on laying on a large bolder, they swam over to her and silver picked her then dragged her body out of the river and onto a small bank area.
"ArkAngel, Angel, come on wake up, wake up please" silver begged as he held her tightly to his chest. Steve sat down beside them and saw that Angel had a cut on the right side of her forehelm with a little bit of energon leaking out of the wound, Steve held out his arms so he could check over her body for anymore wounds.
"Silver please let me hold her, I want to check if there are any major wounds on her frame" he said and silver nodded and gently passed his sister body over to Steve, the mech thoroughly checked her small body and thankfully she only hit her  helm but he had to seal the wound from infections and the only way he can do that is by using a very hot iron rod or a blow torch sadly he doesn't have either of them on him, so....
"We have to seal the wound but I- wait my gun" he then changed his servo into his weapon, silver shot up instantly and grabbed Steve by the gun arm while shouting.
"Whoa, whoa hey no what are you doing, your not shooting my sister!" He said and started bashing at Steve's arm.
"Im not going to shoot her, I'm just going to seal her wound by heating up my gun" he badly explained and began to power up his gun faster and shot a few blasts into the water while looking up to see if anyone heard them , but no one did and he used his other servo to test how hot it is. It burned him but it wasn't hot enough just yet and so he had to repeat the action over and over again.
"What do you mean!?" Silver asked nervously.
"Your sister's helm wound needs to be sealed and I'm not a doctor so I just simply need to cauterise the wound and my guns nozzle can do it" he explained a little better this time and laid Angel's unconscious body on the ground. Silver partly understood but it still scared him. "Can you please hold her just in case she wakes up silver" the young mech nodded and placed both of his servos against her shoulders above her helm.
Steve was both terrified and determined to fix her before she looses to much energon, he slowly moved his blaster arm closer to her still bleeding forehelm, only inch by inch to not hurt her. Luckily the wound was only like three to four inches long.
"Ok, ok, on three alright, one............two.............three" as lightly as he could Steve tapped the very tip of his gun on her helm with feather like ease and pulled away, she did squirm a little but surprisingly she didn't instantly wake up, hmm tough kid. The wound was sealed and hopefully it won't leave a scar in the future.
"Ow...that stung me a little too" silver groaned while rubbing his forehelm.
"Wait hold on, why are you feeling the pain?" Steve asked as he waited for his gun to cool down before putting it away.
"Don't you already know that siblings feel the same pain, I thought everyone knew that" silver said and cradled his sister in his arms.
"Uh, no I didn't know that actually, but, uh, it's good to know that now at least, thank you. We vehicons don't get to know any of that information" Steve is now more worried about the sparklings and their safety, aaannd speaking of safety Steve heard a loud *BANG!!*and saw a large concrete piece falling straight towards them and within a flash he scoped the children up in his arms and ran as fast as he stumblely could across the shallow water. Along the way he saw a big enough cave in the wall for him to fit into and so he did a quick dash right then skidded inside, even though his leg was completely broken he didn't care because he's survived much more worse than this."Are you two alright?!" He asked while looking down at the children, ArkAngel was just waking up as she yawned and snuggled up against Steve's chest plating.
"*yawn* carrier, please just five more cycles" she said innocently and tried to go back sleep but then she heard silver and Steve laughing quietly to themselves. "Huh what's going on silver, where are we and who are you, uh, which one are you?" Just one question after another and the only answer she was given was simple and funny.
"Don't worry sis your just dreaming right now, go back to sleep" quicksilver said and Steve just rolled his optics? And explained there situation to her and she was a bit scared but calmed down, Steve looked out of the cave and saw that cost was partially clear and he thought about different ways to send a message to the nemesis ship and seeing how no has replied to him yet, he was stumped.
"Hey I can somehow send a message to soundwave by enhancing my life signal" angle said suddenly out the blue and the mechs piped up at this.
"How?" Steve asked quizzically.
"By using the human's satellite computers" she answered then pointed up at one of the electrical towers across from them on top of the cliff, the vehicon was surprised to know that she could do that at such an age, but he has seen her hanging around the chief of communications a lot on the nemesis. They waited a little longer in the cave until Steve slowly crept out with the kids still nestled to his chest, he made his way across the river and saw path a way up the wall, along the way silver had a sudden thought pop up into his mind and spoke up.
"Hey Steve shouldn't we just stay put and wait for carrier and sire to find us sense everyone will be attacking this place?" Steve thought about it for a second and realised that he was right.
"Yes that is true but they don't where we are so we have to contact base now so they can pick us up for repairs" he explained and nearly tripped over a rock but he still kept on walking up the stoney path.
"Hey are you ok Steve? you should slow down a little with that broken leg or else you'll injure yourself even more" Angel said with great concern in her voice with her big purple optics staring up at him.
"Yes please don't push yourself too much" silver joined in and Steve just wanted to tell them that he was fine but truly he wasn't but he had to do his job and protect them.
"I know, but I have to get you guys to safety as soon as possible, so please don't worry about me too much ok, but I really do appreciate your concern for me" Steve genuinely said with a smile? And made it the top of the cliff with the sun setting in the distant sky and looked over to the tower about half a mile away from them, so he fast walked with limp half way there until suddenly...
A sniper or something shot at them and got Steve in the left shoulder, narrowly missing silver's winglet, Steve cried out but kept on going as he enhanced his optic scanners to zoom in on the sniper and quickly put down silver to shoot at their attacker, he succeeded in doing so then hoisted silver on his back and began to sprint and finally made it to the tower. ArkAngel immediately got to work and hacked into the computer while quicksilver and Steve held off the enemies, the vehicon was becoming dangerously low on energon and his fire power was depleting fast along with his vision too. Quicksilver noticed this and picked up a very long metal pole and remembered when knockout taught him how to use a staff weapon in combat and got the work by deflecting bullets the human's that were shooting at them in the distance.
"Angel how's it going back there?!" Steve asked and suddenly fell to floor as his was loosing control over his limbs and focus.
"I'm almost done, I just need to send them a message now" she then connected a wire to her neck cable and began to speak loudly and clearly into the small mic. "Hello this is ArkAngel I'm here with quicksilver and Steve the vehicon and we're currently at the sector seven base, please hurry!! I repeat we need he-eeeeeek!!!!" Out of no where silas picked her by the wings and quicksilver immediately charged at him with full force while yelling.
"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BIT-aahhh!!"just before he could hit silas, the dead mech shot a stunner blast at the young bot that instantly paralysed him. Steve tried to get up but only managed to sit up on his knees until he got shot with the same stunner and silas leaned down far enough to talk into the mic and said something so sinister then walked away after knocking out ArkAngel and ordered his men to bring in Steve's body too into the base as they continued to fire at the insecticons.

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