Tomorrow Part Three: Ghosts from our Past

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Three hours had passed sense the incident and every autobot was still in a state of mild shock, and most of the crew members of the nemesis grew more weary of the human enemies that were slowly growing in strength, either way the cybertronians still had the upper servo because of their powerful weapons and hopefully they can rescue their comrades before it's too late.
After another meeting of where the autobots were going to recharge on the ship they all decided to rest for a few hours while knockout, Ratchet, soundwave and predaking went into the med bay to get the coordinates from the predacon's mind, during the procedure they got most the of the details, but unfortunately when the human scientists were scrambling with predaking's processor too much, most the images were too fuzzy and incoherent to decipher. But thankfully they were able to put up a partially clear enough image for soundwave to find the location.
The secret facility was somewhere in the American state under a mountain by a place called Hoover Dam, within three or two days they should be able to start the attack on the base, but for now everyone will be resting, training and gathering up a lot of pent up rage for the road ahead of them.

At the moment the tumbling trio were chatting it up with some of the vehicons in the breaker room, they were mostly just talking about how the cons are great construction workers around the ship and bulkhead was telling the cons about this movie called Real Steel, it's about robot boxing and how it's bulk's favourite movie to watch with his best friend and now all the cons really wanted to watch it.
Optimus and Megatron were in the war room still planing on the attack strategy, the red and blue prime kept on  thanking Megatron for his generosity for his autobots and in response the gladiator just looks away in embarrassment and says as confidentially as possible without cracking a smile.
"Eh, you probably do the same for us if you had the space, but...uh... This is only a one time thing okay, your moving out as soon as we're done here" then both of them would just laugh about it or chuckled to themselves very quietly. For Megatron it was very strange yet nice to have brother in arms back and was same for Optimus too as they worked together, the inner Orion pax was proud to be on equal grounds with Megatronous again.

And finally the starcee family were playing around on the flight deck with dreadwing, the new second in command was helping out ArkAngel with her flying lessons, she has now an accomplished flyer in her full transformation into her natural cybertronian alt mode, her sire said that she may get an new earth based alt mode when she is older if she wanted to and the same goes for QuickSilver too. He too has completed his training but he has been struggling a bit with his balancing on his wheels but thankfully his carrier is always there to help him because they were the smallest cybertronians there on the ship, and little bots needed to stay together or else they'll be squashed. Quicksilver always complains about how he's smaller than his sister even though he's the eldest, but he's happy just teasing his lil sister about loosing every video game they played with Miko, Jack, Rafael.

Oh yes, the autobots did call their human comrades about the base and how they will be staying with the cons for awhile until the mission is completed. This meant that the humans had to find non transforming vehicles to take them to school, this really annoyed Miko but she continuously bugged bulkhead to bring her and the others on board the nemesis,of course their guardians said "maybe" and so the humans become reckless and bored all day, everyday from this day onwards. The autobots could take them on board for this mission but Optimus said that it is to risky, even for agent Fowler, and besides the big man had to somehow explain to Uncle Sam about the disappearance of the space bots and the explosion of the ten million dollar base.

Dreadwing chuckled quietly to himself as he watched ArkAngel fly circles around his helm then transformed to sit on his right shoulder, after spending so much time with the sparklings, dreadwing had loosened up a bit and smiled more, but only around the kids, not in front of his master or anyone else, of course. The little femme giggled and carefully stood up on the seeker's shoulder and jumped off to transformed mid fall then soared up into the sky to swim in the clouds while yahooing.
"She's quite the fast learner, ain't she?" Dreadwing said then looked down and saw Quicksilver trying to do donuts with his carrier in their alt forms, but silver kept on falling over while trying to drift, when he was younger he would sometimes cry, but now he just gets right back up and goes again until he succeeds.
"They both are, *sigh* this reminds me so much of my young training years with my brothers" Starscream said happily until he flinched and slowly looked over to dreadwing, he instantly thought that by mentioning the word brother around the rage-quitting giant, dreadwing would immediately try to kill him for what he did to skyquack. But nothing happened and he relaxed his shoulders and wings as he saw the blue and yellow seeker sigh and look up to the sky with a frown. "Look I'm really sorry about what I did to skyquack, and I don't mind if your pissed off at me" Starscream apologetically said for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"Oh trust me I am burning with rage, but I will not kill you, not today at least because you have to be with your family and I will with mine someday in the after life of the allspark" the warrior then looked down at Starscream with half lidded optics and a faint smile. "Remember Starscream, death before dishonour"
"Yes I will remember that, thank you dreadwing" Starscream grinned too and looked up to see his daughter flying right towards him and just before he could react she crashed right into his chest, sending them both flying backwards and straight onto the floor with a loud CLANK!!! And SCREECH!!!
Once they recovered Starscream and ArkAngel bursted into a fit of laughter and so did dreadwing a little but he managed to control his snorting very quickly with his servo covering his intake.
"Hahaha sorry sire, I couldn't stop myself, the wind was crazy" Angel said with squeaky high pitched giggles and just before Starscream could get up fully his son surprised attacked them both by jumping on to of them.
"Guh! Ahh come on I'm going to getting rusty as soon as you two reach the age one year, hehehe" Starscream sarcastically growled with a snicker and hugged his now big over sized toddlers closely to chest and snuggled his face playfully against theirs like a cat. Arcee was just standing there watching the adorable display with her arms folded with a big grin on her face plate, dreadwing walked up beside her and she looked up at him.
"You ok big guy, you seem lost?" She asked with a raised opticridge, he glanced down at her than to the sky again. The cloudy blue sky truly did look beautiful to those who lived in the dark.
"Yes, I guess you can say that I am a bit lost without my brother, but I then again I wouldn't be here if he hadn't died" he explained then heard Arcee heavily sigh and looked down at her again as a cold breeze blew past them both.
"Yeah, I felt the same way with cliffjumper's death too, but we wouldn't be here today if he lived, we would still be at each other throats" she said sorrowfully and smiled weakly up at dreadwing until she heard loud rumbling ped steps coming out from the nearby doors. They all looked over and saw predaking in his beast mode, the sparklings instantly squealed with excitement and roughly got off of their sire and ran straight towards the giant metal dragon.
"Hey, hey predaking down here!" Quicksilver called out while waving his arms about to get the king's attention and succeeded as predaking lowered his large crowned helm down to the floor, the sparklings beamed with amazement as he looked so different as a dragon. The white parts of predaking's left golden optic grew immediately bigger as the little squeaky children threw their bodies on his snout, the hot air that flowed out of his intake seemed to have tickled the sparklings as they laughed loudly and so he decided to use his long mandibles on either side of his mouth to tickle their winglets and spinal platings.
"Hahaha that t-tickles haha! Quicksilver said then felt the same sensation again and again, along with his sister too, predaking was also getting tickled by the sparkling's small digits scratching his cheeks. No matter how awkward or as embarrassing as it was predaking he couldn't help but to wag his tail back and forth in the air.
"Well...uh that's something you don't see everyday"Arcee said with a confused expression plastered on her face.
"Huh, It seems like no one can resist our sparklings cuteness on this ship, hehe" Pa pa star said while wrapping his arm around Arcee's shoulders as she melted into his embrace. Dreadwing merely rolled his optics and chuckled quietly to himself as he remembered all the fun times he had together with his brother, even though his twin was raised from dead and then was sent into the earth for an eternal rest, dreadwing was somewhat fine about that sad conclusion for his brother because knowing that his brother was not wondering around a dark lonely road forever really did calm his mind..... Even though skyquack is actually in a endless loop within the shadow zone universe, but shhh don't tell dreadwing that or else we're all dead.

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