The Battle of Midgards pt. 3

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"Is she alive...?" A voice whispers.

The sound is so low, so shaky, that for a moment you wonder if it's just the wind brushing across your ears.

You're lying facedown on the forest floor, soft soil resting beneath your body. You open your eyes just barely a millimeter.

The face of Liz Allen's mother blurs into your vision, swimming in the dawns muted light.

She is eyeing your with a strange intensity: the question, you realize, was posed to you.

"The girl. Is she dead?" Proxima calls.

Your eyes shift, and meet the woman above you once more.

Something in her expression...

You close your eyes.

She places her fingers over your heart, and whispers once more, "Is she alive? Liz?"

You hesitate and then, nod, so incredibly subtly it's barely perceptible. She withdraws her hand, and turns to where Proxima stands alongside Thanos.

She nods, and The Children of Thanos cheer.


Your body thumps as Hulk carries you. Your head is still mildly hazy, and it feels as if the outlines of your body are melting in and out of reality, your heart beating weakly, but nevertheless beating.

Suddenly, Hulk comes to halt, he lowers you slightly, as if to present you to a crowd.

"No...NO!" A voice cries in agony.


His cry echoes over the grounds and there is a rushing of footsteps.

There is sounds of a struggle, "Peter, No you can't!" Ned's voice cries out.

Then it all just stops, and there is a sound of collapse.

"You foolish child. Your tears are a waste." Thanos says, his voice somewhat amused, "Tell me. These last few hours— as you collected your dead and tended your wounded, was this girl by your side?"

You can feel hundreds of eyes fall on your limp body.

The crowd is mute. Thanos seems to think this silence is  answer enough, "While your hands ran dark with the blood your brethren, she continued to fight only for herself. While you battled courageously, until you
could no longer will yourself to stand, she had long since fallen to her knees. So do not cry for that, this girl is not worthy of your tears. Do not despair of her betrayal. None of you ever mattered to her."

"LIAR!" Peter shouts.

"Did you not hear me? ______ Marvel is dead. The work is done. I have won. From this day forward,
you put your faith in me or suffer the consequences. It is a small price to pay for salvation."

There is pause, "Now is the time to declare

There is a nervous murmur among the crowd.

"Elizabeth..." you hear a voice mutter from Thanos' side.

Yet Liz doesn't move across the isle right away.

"Elizabeth, don't be stupid—" Adrien Toomes hisses.

Liz's mother cuts him off in a quiet, yet absolute tone, "Come on, Liz"

After a moment there is a meek shuffling of footsteps across the isle.

"Good choice, Elizabeth. Who will join us next?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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