Love and Discipline

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You sit in Peters room after dinner, just the two of you.

"I'm sorry about what May said to Tony. She can be...brash at times." Peter says, smoothing a piece of hair behind his ear. "But I promise you she means well." 

You shake your head, "It's alright. It actually felt...quite nice to know that May cares about me that much." You smile half-heartedly.

You'd never exactly had a good parental figures that stuck around for long as she had.

Peter grins and then pauses, "I want you to know I might not understand exactly what happened to you last year, but I want to be there for you. Like boyfriend should be. You're always protecting me, protecting everyone...let me protect you. Even if it's just once." Peter grabs your hand, and brushes his thumb over your knuckles.

Suddenly your heart feels like jelly.

You ponder his words for a moment, "I'm sorry for shouting at you. And Michelle. It's just...nothing, not a single word from either of you all summer, and the fact that you two have been together for weeks, while I was dying at my aunt and uncles. If might be really jealous of me to say but honestly— It's driving me crazy just thinking about it."

"You know I don't like Michelle like that." Peter frowns.

"It's not you I'm worried about, Pete. I know you would never—"

"What'd you mean?"

"It's just third year. That's all. Now that I say it out loud, I feel a bit embarrassed."

"Third year?" Peter laughs, "That feels like forever ago..."

"Well...remember when you were in the hospital, after everything with Tony?"

He nods.

"After that...Michelle told me she was in love with you. She told me that if I hesitated...Listen, I never told you because I didn't think it was my place. Last year I thought maybe she'd grown out of it because she met Thor and— But now I'm not so sure...I love Michelle, but she has a habit of being stubborn, and persevering through enormous odds. What if?—I just can't lose you, Peter. You're the only thing makes sense to me. You've always been beside me. Even if you act really stupid sometimes, I can't lose you. I won't. Because...I love you."

There is a thoughtful silence.

"I love you ____."

His grip on your hand loosens, and then slides to your cheek. He's so close now you can feel the heat from his breath, his warm scent wafting into your nose. It's like a drug.

Instantly the two of you connect your lips, it's fierce. There is a meaning somewhere in it, it's so powerful it makes your heart ache. It says everything and more you wanted to communicate to him over the summer.

I think about you all the time. Every moment you've touched me is etched into my memory. Arms brushing as you eat breakfast. His hand on your back as you walk into the common room. Thighs pressed together as you relax on the couch.

He brushes your bottom lip, sending tremors along your already fried nerves, evoking sensations you had never known yourself capable of feeling. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than you'd remembered. Your fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer. You gently nip his bottom lip and he shivers under your grasp.

It feels so good your veins throb, and you're sure that if he keeps going your heart will explode.

You have never wanted anyone like this before. Ever. You want to dissolve into nothingness, turn into the air he breaths, become the blood pumping through his heart.

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