The Wedding

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The wedding party is in full swing. You, in a plain gray  dress, stand on the side, absentmindedly tossing the snitch up and down as Quill and Gamora twirl madly within a clapping circle of well-wishers.

You had been dancing with Peter an hour before, but after more people started showing up you had to stop because it was getting too suspicious. All this sneaking around was tiring, but exciting in its own way.

Your gaze drifts to Peter, laughing as Ned and Penni  rush the dance floor and begin to perform the salsa together, then to Michelle, who looks absolutely stunning in her lilac silk gown.

Far across the garden, Bruce wends through the tables in his button up shirt, and and presents a slice of cake to a pleased Natasha Romanoff.

Nearby, Peggy, hand to her belly, leans forward and whispers something to Aunt May, who reacts with happy surprise. You study Peggy for a moment...she looked...

"We want you to be the godmother." A voice says from behind.

You turn, its Steve, staring at Peggy with great affection. As his eyes shift to you, and you begin to sputter.

"You mean— But that's amazing— I...I don't know what to say." You give a small smile.

So much pressure...

"Say yes." Steve grins, he puts a kind hand on your shoulder then and hikes off into the darkness, joining the other wizards standing guard in the garden's deepest shadows.

You look back to Peggy, then notice a stern looking, wizard with salt and pepper hair sitting alone at a table just beyond her.

"Greetings, _____!" Wade Wilson says, popping in front  of your gaze, he begins to approach in the company of very businesslike man, who has close cropped white hair.

You glance at Wades outfit, a crimson and black suit, those were really his colors.

"I've interrupted a deep thought. Hmmm...I can see it growing smaller in your eyes. Sorry." Wade smiles nervously.

"No, 'course not," you shake your head, "How are you, Wade?"

"Very well. I was bitten by a garden gnome a couple minutes ago, so I bit it back." He holds up his finger, which is covered in a small bite mark.

"Yes that's my son...very interesting young man. Thomas Wilson. We live just over the hill." Wade's dad extends a hand. You shake it.

"You live in the muggle townhouses?" You ask.

"Oh, god no. We live on the other side of the hill, past the woods." Wade nods.

"Well nice to meet you, Mr.Wilson." You nod.

Thomas Wilson suddenly leans close, and whispers fiercely, "I trust you know, Ms. Marvel, that
we at The Butler, unlike those idiots at the Daily Bugle, fully supported Strange during his lifetime and in his death support you just as fully." He pulls away.

"Come on, dad. _____ doesn't want to talk to us right now. She's just too nice to say so." Wade says, placing a hand on his fathers shoulder.

Thomas Wilson's eyes burn with righteousness, and triangular pendant dangles from a chain around his neck. As Wade pulls him away, you glance once more across the garden.

The wizard you were glancing at a couple minutes ago is still there, thank god, sitting alone and, gazing around absently as he observes the happy goings-on.

You walk over, "Sir? May I sit down?"

"Well, Ms. Marvel. By all means." The man nods, and begins to light a cigar.

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