People of the Past

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You sit down in front of Laufeyson's desk.

"Have you been practicing, Marvel?" He sneers.


"Well, we shall see, won't we?"

He pauses for a moment to place his wand-tip to his head, a thin silver strand comes out. He walks to a cabinet and opens the door, revealing a hidden pensive. He then places the memory inside the swirling pool of water.

Suddenly, Liz Allen walks in.

"Excuse me, Professor. Professor Ultron says he needs you right away." She says.

"What on earth for?"

Liz looks embarrassed, "Well, sir, remember when the raccoon from the transfiguration classroom vanished over Christmas? Ultron said they found him in a toilet on the forth floor..."

Laufeyson rolls his eyes, "Any idea how he got there?"

"I'm not sure...I think It's something to do with a vanishing uh, closet?"

Laufeyson stands irritably and then turns to you, "We'll pick up your remedial potions lesson tomorrow."

Liz snickers, and the two of them leave.

You look around for a moment. You prepare to leave, but you are suddenly overwhelmed by curiosity, and go to stand and stare at the pensive, transfixed by the swirling pool of cloudy blue water.

You glance at the door, nothing, no one.

You plunge your head inside.

You are suddenly transported to the Black Lake.

Under a tree next to you sits a young Steve, and a girl you recognize to be your mother.

A yelp comes from behind you, and you turn. It's a young Professor Laufeyson, he's dangling in the air while a boy below holds his wand, taunting him. The boy, he's familiar, it's...your father.

Your father turns to all the bystanders, "And now what you've all been waiting for—"

"Hey! Cut it out!" A voice shouts, you turn, it's your mother.

Your father laughs, "Carol, this is awfully funny considering all the things he's said to you."

"It's just a word to me— what you're doing to him doesn't make anything right, just leave him alone."She demand.

You dad shrugs and gestures with his wand. Laufeyson falls to the ground, and launches for his wand, but Tony pops out of nowhere and hexes him.

"Locamotor mortis!" Tony shouts.

Carol draws her wand, "Tony, stop! I said leave him alone!"

Your father turns slowly and regards her, the playful expression on his face has now vanished, "Carol I'm doing this for you—"

"FOR ME? LET HIM GO!" Your mother roars.

"Fine!" Your father shouts, he mutters the counter-curse and him and Tony stand over Laufeyson.

"Your lucky Carol takes pity on you, Loki." Your father says.

"It doesn't matter, I've told you I don't need help from a mud-blood like her." Loki growls.

Your fathers eyes blaze with anger, he points his wand, which is shaking with rage, at Laufeyson, "I thought you'd learned your lesson. Apologize to her! NOW!"

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