Will and Won't

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Peter has his back turned to you and he's speaking to his aunt, "You haven't seen her? Apparently, she's wandering around the house."

"Really?" His aunt calls from the top of the stairs.

You grin and decide to reveal yourself, "Really."

Peter spins, there you stand in the doorway of the kitchen, "______!"

Peter gives you a great grinning hug. There is something oddly charged about the moment, a surprise to you after all these months of being apart.

Aunt May rushes down the stairs, "But why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

"Didn't know." You shrug.

May gives you a hug, "Strange, that man. But then, what would we do without him?"

The Daily Bugle tumbles within a ball of red flames, but it doesn't disintegrate. You tease the fire with the tip of your wand, where The Chosen One? mingles with Liz's haunted face in the flames. Peter's room only looks a bit different since the last time you'd seen it, really just cleaner than usual.

Peter glances at you, "May sort of lost it last week.
Said you and I shouldn't back to Midgards. That it's too dangerous."

"Oh come on..." You say defensively.

"And she's not alone. Even Ned's mom, and she's a muggle, knows something bad is happening. Anyway, Steve Rogers stepped in, and told her Midgards was the safest place for us. It took a day or two, but she came around."

"Exactly, Strange's there. What could be safer?" You nod.

"There's been a lot of talk lately. That he's gotten...old." Peter mutters.

"No way, he can't be that old, he looks so young. He's only— what?" You ponder.

"Looks can be deceiving. I mean, I bet he's about a hundred and fifty. Give or take a few years." Peter says.

There silence, and you nod. Then the two of you break out laughing. You take another poke at the Bugle.

"You know, I did miss you a lot this summer. I know I shouldn't care or whatever but...I did. I just wanted you to know." You blush.

"I know, I could tell in your letters. I missed you too." He places a hand on your cheek.

You lean into his touch, "You know we can't keep doing this. Pretending like we're together again and everything is normal," you begin to tear up a little, "Doesn't it feel like I'm just using you?"

He shakes his head fervently.

"I know part of this is because you think you can keep me safer if you push me away. But I've told you this, whatever path your going down I want to go with you. Can we just forget how terrible everything is right now an just enjoy each others company?" His voice is edgy with emotion.

Suddenly, you kiss him hard, forcefully, as if your trying to express to him every feeling you've felt towards him this summer. He kisses back quickly, pressing you against of the side of his bed.

You get up, and crash on to the top of his bed, swiftly pulling him on top of you. You feel all of him pressed up against you, and inhale his scent, there's his shampoo, his soap, and that extra something that is just him. Oh how you've missed this. His lips taste like chocolate from the honeydukes treats you'd been feasting on earlier, and face has the slightest bit of stubble and it rubs your skin but you don't care, you don't care at all. He feels wonderful. His hands are everywhere, and it doesn't matter that his mouth is already on top of yours, you want him closer, closer, closer.

Magic //Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now