So Much We Could Say

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The house glows with light and holiday music rings from May's Muggle radio. Wanda and Pietro fill cups with hot chocolate and Aunt May and Peter are preparing plates of food for everyone.

"Eat up, everyone! There's more to come!" May smiles.

You sit in deep conversation with Peggy and Steve.

"Liz's plotting something, I overheard her and Laufeyson talking the night of Wong's Christmas party. I know it has something to do with Thanos. Liz has been given a task or a mission— and Laufeyson was offering to help."

"Thanos has chosen Elizabeth Allen for a mission?" Steve strokes his chin.

"I know it sounds...crazy..." you frown.

"Have you thought about maybe that Loki was simply pretending to offer Liz help so that he could find out what she's up to?" Steve suggests.

"That's not what it sounded like." You murmur.

Peggy chimes in, "Perhaps...______'s right, Steve. To make an Unbreakable Vow, after all—"

"It just comes down to whether or not you trust Strange's judgement. He trusts Loki. And I trust Strange's choices."

"But Strange can make mistakes. He's said it himself—"

Steve stops you, "It seems you're blinded by hatred, _____."

"I'm not." You say sharply.

"You are. People are disappearing. Daily. We can only trust a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves...we're doomed." Steve looks at you sadly.

Peggy gives you a furtive glance, as if to say, "Leave it alone."


You turn only to find Peter, he's holding a plate in his hands, "Uh...have some." He holds it towards you.

You hesitate and stare at the plate, there's a lone piece of pie.

Peter laughs quietly, "W-Whats wrong? Don't you trust me?"

You sigh and oblige him, taking a bite of the of pastry, "It's good."

"Thanks. I made it myself..." He smiles at you, "Oh you have...a little something—" he takes his thumb as wipes some crumbs off the corner of your mouth.

You blush, "T-Thank you."

You place the plate down on the coffee table in front of you, and he sits next to you on the couch. It's quiet between you and Peter. And awkward.

You turn slightly, gazing at him out of the corner of your eye. He's staring down at his feet.

His face was so beautiful in the light.

You hated his dumb smile and his silky hair and the little charms he would cast just to make you smile. But what you hated most about him was that he wasn't around anymore.

You place a hand on his shoulder, and his head turns, he looks at you, really looks at you, for the first time in weeks. You use your free hand to cup his face, his jaw tenses, you lean in and press your mouth against his.

Your judgement clouds over as your emotions pulse steadily in your chest:

Peter...I want to meet you over and over again. And I want you to make a fool out of me over and over again. I'll keep repairing everything until it wears me out...I'll be the idiot...I'll throw away my pride and composure...if you'll just tell me you love me again.

He shivers and pulls back, "I don't—"

Shame wells up inside of you, "You're right. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

He blinks, "N-No! Its alright. It's okay. Uh, you can do it again. If— If you'd like."

You lean in again and kiss him, for the first time in what feels like eternity and he kisses back. It's like a dream. You both pull away, fiercely red.

"Our wasn't supposed to end like this." Peter frowns.

You sigh, "It wasn't supposed to end at all. But I had to Peter. No matter how much it ripped me apart, you deserve a chance at a real life."

He cocks an eyebrow, "W-what do you mean?"

"Peter...when I look at you I see a bright unblemished future. I see happiness, I see you having a white wedding with a "faceless stranger." But for destiny is laid out before me. Darkness lays in wait, and Thanos cloaked within it. Peter, you're my greatest pipe dream. The time I spend with you are my stolen hours that keep me going through the worst moments of my life. Because in the little time I'm with you...I'm not the Chosen One, I'm not a girl marked by for murder and destined to one day commit one or die trying. I've always been...different, and you made me feel like everyone else, at least for a little while. You're sunshine, Quidditch, kisses on the astronomy tower and laughing until I can't breath. Your just too good to be true. Don't you understand? I don't want to ruin your life. But...I-I'm just selfish and I'm so sorry if I've confused you. Just leave me now, please." Tears stream down you face.

"Y-you think I don't know what your future holds? You think that people haven't called me crazy because— I'm in love with you? You're not selfish. I- I am. God, it's been eating me alive being with Mary Jane. Just to kiss her I- I have to pretend she's you. I'm miserable without you. So please, ______, by all means, ruin my life."

"I don't know what to say." You sniff.

"That's okay." Peter says quietly, talking your hand.

You lay you head on his shoulder and listen to his heartbeat. Being with him felt so right.

A loud bang sounds. You shoot up, it's dark, most everyone had gone to bed.

Peter yawns, "What is it?"

You blink, "I dunno." You walk into the kitchen and look out the window. In the marsh by Peter's house the tall grass stirs. You look closer. There's a figure. A woman.

Proxima Midnight.

"Oh my god..." Peter gasps.

You run and burst through the front door, wand drawn, pelting toward Proxima. She grins, turns, and vanishes into the reeds.

"______, no!" Peter shouts after you.

You careen through the marsh, reeds and grass flashing past, then you spy Proxima once more. She grins, looking like a crazed wood nymph, then flits off, her laughter mocking you. As your pursue, bolts of magic shoot through the reeds toward you.

Proxima leads you on, grinning madly. She then makes an odd, clicking noise, like a signal.

"No, _____! It's a trap!" Peter's voice calls.

You falter, looking toward his voice and spy the werewolf Victor Creed. Proxima stops dead, and wheels in her tracks and, seeing Peter, she shrieks with rage. Raising her wand, she fires a bolt of red light which explodes in a shower of sparks around Peter.

Peter fires back, then wheels away, flashing through the reeds and coming face to face with Victor, sharp teeth glittering.

Just then, you fire a bolt of blue light that bursts of
Victor Creeds back and he turns, and sees you standing several yards off, and darts towards you. You shoot off running faster and faster, until Victor rushes into a clearing, panting, glancing about.

Just then, twin bolts of light blast from opposite sides of the clearing and Victor is lifted in the air, and slammed to the ground. As he regains his feet he looks into the reeds and sees You and Peter, wands poised.

He grins, when Proxima's odd, clicking signal carries through the night once again. Turning away, he exits.
You and Peter slowly step out of the reeds, and stare at each other wordlessly. Then Pietro, Wanda, May, Peggy, Michelle and Steve come thrashing into the clearing, and stop.

Across the marsh, Proxima's cackle rises briefly on the air— then all is quiet.

Michelle turns to the pair of you, "You're lucky you weren't killed."

Magic //Peter Parker x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon