The Lions and the Serpent

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You're carrying a load of schoolbooks down the hallway to help yourself prepare for the first S.A. meeting.

"Hey, _____!" Gamora shouts, running towards you.

"What is it?" You ask, peering over the top of the stack of books.

"You won't believe...that Ultron man...this is too much!"

"What's he done this time?"

"Follow me."

You and Gamora approach a large sign surrounded by murmuring students. She grabs your arm and pulls you through, the books in your arms nearly slipping.

You gaze at the parchment placed inside the wooden framed sign and read, "By order of the Midgards High Inquisitor: All student organizations, societies, teams, groups, and clubs are henceforth disbanded. Permission to reform must be approved by High Inquisitor Ultron. No student organization can exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to be a part of an illegal organization will be expelled eminently."

Gamora's face goes red with fury just from you reading it, "He refused to allow us to reform the Gryffindor team. We had to go to Strange to get Ultron to allow it."

Now you're extremely angry, "Not only that, what about the S.A.?"

You're pacing in front of the fireplace. Michelle lays on the couch and Peter sits by the fire, using his wand to lift paper balls into the flames and then twirl around the embers.

"This can't be a coincidence." You frown.

You glance and Peter and Michelle.

"He knows."

"He can't. There's like—" He thinks, "No way for him to know." Peter assures you.

"Look we don't know how many people could have overheard our meeting and told him." You say crossing your arms, "Or even worse, someone at the meeting could've gone to him."

Michelle smirks, "No, they couldn't have. The parchment we all signed was enchanted, exactly like I said. No one can betray us without us knowing."

You stop pacing and nod at Michelle, "What would we do without you?"

"I dunno, die probably." Michelle says sheepishly.

Suddenly, Hegwig comes crashing in from the open window and collapses to the floor.

"Hedwig!" You cry, running to her. You gently scoop her up and cradle her in your arms, "She's hurt!"

Hedwig hoots softly.

"She doesn't look very good, you might want to take her to the Care of Magical Creatures Professor. He'll know what to do. I'll come with you." Peter says.

You nod and you and Peter run through the portrait hole. As soon as you both step out, T'Challa comes around the corner, "Marvel, Parker!"

You stop and turn to him.

"Where on earth are you children going tonight?" T'Challa asks.

"I— it's Hedgwig, we think she's been attacked." You stutter.

"What?" T'Challa steps closer and peers at your hurt owl, "I fear you may be right...where was she coming from?"

"London." You nod, giving T'Challa a significant look.

"I see. Give her to me, I'll run her down to Care of Magical Creatures."

You gently hand Hegwig to him, and he takes the owl carefully. He straightens and moves down the hall, then stops, and turns and looks at you.

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