Just a Little Luck

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You sit numbly, the Half-Blood Princes Potions textbook lying limply in your hands. Michelle and Peter sit together, a bit apart, keeping a kind of vigil.

Finally, Peter rises, and steps to you, "You have to get rid of it. Today."

You, Potions book in hand, follow Peter past the empty birdcage and down the corridor when he pauses, turns to the wall and shuts his eyes.

"Take my hand."

You close your eyes as well and follow him.

"You can open them now." He nudges you.

You gaze at your surroundings, "The Room of Requirement..." you mutter.

Peter nods, then turns away, and you follow.

You eye the shelves that tower above and list the things they hold: theres a small cage bearing the skeleton of some long-dead creature. A jar of quivering eyeballs which track you as you pass. And many other odds and ends.

"Over the years, if someone had a secret, if they wanted to hide something, this is where they came. Some of these things are almost as old as the castle itself." Peter says briskly.

"Who showed you this?" You ask.

"Ned. He's know about it since first year. I had to I hide something...too shy." He mutters, then shrugs it off.

As Peter drifts in the memory, you study him. Suddenly their is a loud scuffling sound nearby. The two of you turn, then look off.

"What was that?" You and Peter say in unison.

You turn back, and the two of you look at each other and smile.

The two of you approach a large dark cabinet, whatever was inside was producing the noise. You reach out, pulling aside the tapestry which covers the cabinet. The door vibrates. Slowly, you open it and...
a black bird flies free in a rush of flapping wings.

I know that bird, you think.

"See, you never know what you'll find up here." Peter grins.

You nod, looking back to the cabinet, mystified.

Peter huffs, "All right. C-Close your eyes. That way you won't be persuaded to look."

He slips the book from your fingers and starts to back away.

You stand their quietly. Still Waiting. For a long moment, there is only silence.

"There's something else. Another secret. One of mine..." Peters voice whispers, "O never say that I was false of heart, Though absence seemed my flame to qualify. That is my home of love; if I have ranged, like that travels, I return again, For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose; thou art my all."

Your eyes flutter open. Peter is standing their blushing furiously, holding a card with a beautiful gold seal.

"This...this was the gift I got you when I went to Egypt summer before third year. I was going to give it to you. B-but then I got too scared, so I got rid of it here. It's a like a card, with a Shakespeare poem— but it's on enchanted Egyptian papyrus. It's stupid isn't—"

You shut him up by placing your mouth on his. You melt into one another, slipping your hands into his hair.

The two of you pull away, mouths pink, "That can stay hidden up here too, if you like." You mutter.

He opens his eyes, and tilts his head, mouth parted. He looks beautiful.

You blush, "Or...we could...if you'll have me."

Magic //Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now