The White Tomb

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You and Strange materialize on the Astronomy Tower.

You glance at your weak Headmaster, "We need to get you up to the hospital, sir, to Madam Khan—"

"No. Loki...Loki is who I need...Go and wake him... Tell him what has happened..Speak to no one else...I... I shall wait here..."

You sigh and quickly nod, "All right. Okay."

You gently disengage from Strange, and leave him leaning against the ramparts. You dash to the stairwell door and glance back once more. Strange is muttering wearily as he gesticulates with his blackened hand.

"Sir, are you...praying?" You ask.

Strange smiles faintly, "No, ______. I do not pray. I was merely closing a window— the one that had allowed us to apparate."

You nod, and begin to open the door, when footsteps sound, you draw your wand. Strange cocks his head, listening. Wincing, he straightens up, as if to mask his infirmity.

"Hide yourself below. And do not speak or show yourself without my permission. No matter what." Strange demands

You furrow your brows and look down through the latticework at your feet, to the tier below. The footsteps draw closer.

"Do as I say, _____."

You hesitate. Strange's eyes blaze.

"Trust me." He nods solemnly.

You meet Strange's eyes, then pocket your wand and slip down the stairs. As you reach the level below, the door above flies open. You peer up through the grid, and watch Elizabeth Allen come into view.

"Good evening, Elizabeth. What brings you out on such a fine Spring evening? Or is it Summer?" Strange smiles pleasantly.

Liz stands poised, wand in hand, eyes darting about, "Who else is here? I heard you talking."

Strange shrugs, nonchalantly kicking your cloak to the side, "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it
extraordinarily useful. Something which sounds sane at a whisper can seem utterly mad when said for all the world to hear. Haven't been whispering to yourself, have you, Elizabeth?"

Liz eyes Strange with unease.

"You are not an assassin, Liz." Strange says sternly.

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you." She say furiously.

"Like cursing Mantis Titan and hoping she would bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? Forgive me, Elizabeth, but these are attempts so feeble I cannot help but question if your heart has been really in them.
I'm curious. When Thanos gave you this task, when he asked you to kill me, was it in a whisper?" Strange questions, peering at her.

"He trusts me! I was chosen!" Liz thrusts out her arm, and pulls back her sleeve and reveals her tattoo, the dark mark. Three long stripes and six dots, and in the middle, a circle.

Strange barely looks at it.

"Then I shall make it easy for you." Slowly and without intent, Strange draws his wand. Instantly Liz raises her own.


You watch in horror as Strange's wand flies free, clattering across the grid above. Liz watches it roll to a stop, a curious mixture of fear and awe at her own
actions. Strange eyes the wand, then Liz.

"Well done, Elizabeth. But I warn you. Killing is not nearly as easy." Strange smiles, but just barely.

Liz looks into Strange's eyes, then to the sky, at the gathering clouds twisting darkly, then glances to the stairwell.

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