Love Potions

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Michelle reads the Daily Prophet as she walks alongside you to the library. The headline is gloomy: "More Disappearances."

"You have to realize who you are, _______." Michelle says sternly.

"I know who I am, Michelle, alright?" You say sharply, then frown in regret, "Sorry."

Michelle folds her newspaper, "So tell me what were you, Steve and Peggy talking about over break? Ya know. With the whole Liz thing."

You think, "Something about a Vanishing Cabinet. Liz was looking for one. That night at Borgin & Burkes."

"What would she want with a Vanishing Cabinet?"

You shrug, "You tell me."

Michelle frowns, pondering this, "She looks different, don't you think? Almost...ill."

"Who could tell the difference?" You laugh nervously.

Your face emerges from the swirling Pensieve. You'd just seen one of Professor Wong's memories about Thanos. But it wasn't right blink, and find Strange studying you from across the room.

"Confused? I would be surprised if you weren't." Strange shakes his head.

"I don't understand— what happened?"

Strange sighs, "This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected. It's also a lie. This memory has been tampered with. In this case by the person whose memory it is, Professor Wong."

"But why would he tamper with his own memory?" You stroke your chin.

"I suspect he's ashamed of it." Strange frowns, and trails his fingers in the Pensieve, "I asked you to get to know
Wong and you've done it. Now I want you to persuade him to divulge his true memory. Any way you can."

"I don't know him that well, sir..."

"You're the Chosen One, ______."

You grimace at the title.

"And Wong is, at heart, a decent man. Provide the proper circumstances and he will confess his sins." Strange lifts his fingers from the Pensieve, and studies them, "This memory is everything, _______. Without it, we are blind. Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance. You have no choice. You must not fail."

As the first years scurry out of Wong's classroom, You enter, having just been waiting outside the door. For a moment, Wong merely hums over his briefcase, unaware. Then...

"Ah! If it isn't the Princess of Potions herself! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Wong grins.

You cringe, ready to repeat the exact words Thanos said to him all those years ago, "Well, sir, I wondered if I might ask you something."

"Ask away." Wong nods.

"Well, you see, the other day I was in the Restricted Section, in the library, and I stumbled upon something rather odd while reading. Something about a bit of rare magic..."

He doesn't lift his head up from his briefcase, "Yes? And exactly what was this rare magic."

You scratch the back of your neck, "I'm not sure...that is, I don't recall the name...exactly. But it got me wondering... Are there some kinds of magic you're not allowed to teach?"

Wong looks up, and eyes you carefully.

"I'm a Potions Professor, ______. Perhaps your question would best be posed to Professor Laufeyson." Wong nods.

Magic //Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now