I Hope He Finds Me

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You approach the statue of a hump-backed, one-eyed witch.

You look down ay the map, and trace your finger along the tattered surface to a pair of ink shoe prints labeled "_____ Marvel." A tiny speech bubble appears: "Dissendium."

"Dissendium?" You whisper.

CLICK! The witch's eye opens and the statue pivots,
revealing a dark opening in the floor. As you
crouch, squinting, a cool draft of air blows up and ruffles your hair, and you drift into the darkness.

A tiny light bobs around, fracturing the darkness, then you pop out of the trap door, the tip of your wand glowing, map in hand.

"Nox." You murmur, and the light extinguishes.

You stop, and crane your neck, to check it anyone was around.

"Mischief managed." You whisper, then tap the map with your wand. The ink disappears.

You carefully walk up the stone steps.

In the cellar there are crates and huge rolling bins.
Suddenly, the door bangs open, you throw yourself behind one of the bins and hide. You watch the man grab a box of Jelly Slugs then walk out the door.

You grab the pile of shimmering fabric at your feet, the invisibility cloak, and throw it around you.

You walk from behind the counter of Honeydukes Sweet Shop, and track through all the customers. Up ahead, stands Ned Leeds, a lollipop in his hand. You brush past him, and the candy sticks to your cloak. You panic, but decide to keep walking, promising yourself to buy him another one later.

You enter the misty, fog-shrouded chaos of Main Street, and quickly slip a hand out of your cloak and tug away the lollipop and throw it into the snow. What would people say if they saw a floating lollipop in the middle of the street?

At this elevation, the mist hangs in thick, undulating veils, the Shrieking Shack, an eerie silhouette in the gloom. Peter and Michelle stand stiffly, attempting, as best they can, to conceal the fact that, basically, they're scared stiff.

"It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Michelle says.

"Twice." Peter says.

"Should we move a bit closer?" She asks.

"Huh? Oh...All right..." He says. He takes a step towards the shack, then stops. "Actually, it's fine from here."

"Perfect..." she clears her throat, "You know Peter. It's actually quite nice being here alone with you." She says. You watch as her body edges close to Peter's.

You stomach tightens. And your mouth suddenly tastes sour. You pull out your wand, a confundus charm wouldn't hurt her? Err, Right?

"Huh? Oh...I suppose. I still wish _____ was here. Err um, not that you're not great, you are. I just, hate seeing her so sad." Peter turns away and shoves his hands into his pockets.

Michelle frowns and crosses her arms. You slide your wand away.

Just then, three figures appear over the rise, like phantoms in the mist. Liz. Betty. Flash.

"Well, well. Look who's here. You two shopping for your dream home? Seems a bit grand for you, Pathetic Parker. Doesn't your family all sleep in one room?" Liz laughs.

"Shut your mouth, Allen." Peter says.

She clucks her tongue, "Now that's not very friendly. I think we're going to have to teach Parker over to respect his superiors."

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