My World

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I could forever stay there, the place that makes me feel safe and trusted. The place that makes me feel wanted. The place that makes me want to be myself, be the person I've always wanted to be; without being who people want me to be.

I want to be happy, care-free, bold, and act like nothing matters but just me being happy. I want to live so, but I can't. I can't live freely without the judgmental mind of people. Now even my only place to be myself, is now black as night, without the shining orb, my dreams are now replaced with the darkness and I am grateful for the sleep I get just to relax my mind, even if it's the darkness instead of my world.

I would miss it, but for a person like me, I don't deserve it, and I would never be worthy of it. For all the things I've done, I would lose the thing I've cherished most because I was a person who was happy, bold, and worth it but now that I've caused pain to others, pain shall be released to me instead.

I miss my world.

Eunoia • Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now