A Nightmare To Remember

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"Bang, bang, bang!" A disturbing bang was heard as I slept as peacefully as a coin in my tender, large bed. "Who's there?" I sleepily asked, slowly getting up and rubbing my eyes to clear the blurriness that lingered in my vision of colors. 

Not one answer was received, so I decided to dose off to dreamland once again.

"Bang!" Another strange bang was heard as I shot up, my curiosity had awoken, putting my body on auto-pilot almost immediately.

"Who could it be at this moment?" I wondered to myself as quietly made my way to my door and slowly twisted the door handle in a clockwise direction. I felt as if I was in a horror movie, like the serial killer was out my door, waiting and I was about to fall into his trap, just like that.

"Nope, not going to happen." I whispered to myself and removed my hands from the door handle and crept back to my bed. Sighing deeply, I sat on the bed and waited, waited for something else to happen but nothing did.

An eerie silence thickened through the air that passed through every nook and corner of this house. "I can't hold this back anymore." I said to myself and a burst of confidence and bravery erupted through my veins.

As swiftly as a mouse, I made my way to the door and turned the handle, allowing access to the outside world. Darkness along with the feeling of being watched hit me like a ton of bricks as I stepped out of my comfortable haven and into the hallway of danger.

Like every typical person, I asked, stuttering in the process, "W-Who's t-there?" But of course, I got no reply like I expected. Why do people ask 'who's there?' when they expect no answer? It sort of stupid to do so, but I guess now I see the reason why. Don't you too?

"Heather..." A ghost-like voice sang, calling my name with a demonic accent lingering. The hair on my neck stood high and straight, as my eyes widened, perhaps popping out of their sockets.

"What do you want?!" I shouted and whatever it was chuckled lowly, as if it were amused of my fear towards it. "Your soul," It whispered and a cold gush of breeze went right through me making me shiver like a leaf.

"I am NOT going to do this," I whispered to myself again, as I looked down the flight of stairs, the darkness that eloped the last steps were seemingly creepy. But I couldn't back out now, not now, not never.

"Our father..." I began saying our prayers, just to give me the presence of peace and most importantly God. "...who art in heaven, hollo-" I was immediately cut off as the crashing of utensils could be heard coming from the kitchen.

I was confused by the noise but still scared. "Could've someone broken in? Or is this really a ghost?" I thought to myself once again but shook it off and went anyway. It is very stupid to do so but I had to make sure that my house was not about to be robbed.

Making my way to the kitchen, I immediately stopped in my tracks as I examined the room, the site in front of me was my greatest nightmare ever to happen. The kitchen floor was scattered with broken plates and shattered glasses like the infinite stars in the sky.

But what really crept me out was the writing on the wall. In deep red, the words 'You can run, but you can't hide' were written boldly. Beads of sweat formed onto my forehead as a wave of panic and fright came over me once again.

My heart skipped a beat or two as my breath began to quicken with every second. In front of me, stood a large human-like figure with a shadowy coy face, broad shoulders that resembled a man, red fiery eyes and sharp white teeth. It began to laugh uncontrollably and grabbed my shoulders suddenly, making me scream out as the fear and panic consumed me.

"Heather! Heather!" The voice of my mother erupted, taking me out of the nightmare. I awoke covered in cold sweat, frightened as the warm arms of my mother engulfed me, the fear and panic was now suppressed but was still never gone.

"I will take your soul." Whispered the demonic voice, as I saw the shadow at the corner of my eyes smirk at me and then disappear into thin air...

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