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Once I had fallen in love, with an angel.

But turns out it was the devil in disguise. Was he the angel I once thought he was? Was he the same person who looked into my eyes and told me 'I love you'? No, apparently, I had it all wrong, all along.

He's someone else, someone I now call my worst nightmare

The words 'I love you' are now replaced with 'I hate you'. Why? I don't know myself. But as he said: "You're useless", "You're ugly", "You deserve no one", "Everyone hates you", "I never loved you and never will".

Those words changed me, it hurt and hit me in a way that no one else could've done it. I gave you one of the best places in my heart, but you burnt that place to the ground, made it a disaster.

So where am I now? Getting revenge, taking back what he took from me. If I cannot raise heaven, then I'll bend hell. And when I set my mind on something that I want, I get it. No one can stop me; I will make you pay for breaking my heart.

I promise that.

Eunoia • Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now