That Girl, My Best Friend, My Sister

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You said she's fair,
Call her cute.
The next thing you know, she's sassy and hot.

Call her pretty,
Flatter her as much as you wish.
Flirt with that girl,
Sure, no problem.

Call her ugly,
Useless like she's nothing.
Cheat on her,
Break her heart.

Now you call her bitch,
But have you met my fist?
Oh look,
It's coming there at your face.

Fists are thrown,
Off you go with speed,
It reminds me of a coward.
And there you are, afraid on the beast that you've awoken in me.

But chico,
That girl, my best friend, my sister,
Her heart you've broken.
Be ready to face my wrath.

So now say hi to hell,
Because it's already there.
Death is knocking on your door,
So be ready for me.

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