Watermelons And Hunger

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Rambling and chattering of the vendors and adults could be heard from miles away, as prices and fruits and vegetables names flowed out from the vendors mouth, and "okays" and "yes" were the replies from the buyers.

Apples, watermelons, lettuces, oranges, and so much more tasty looking fruits and vegetables were waiting to be devoured. The tempting watermelon called my name, making my stomach grumble in excitement, looking around to see if there was a lonely dollar on the dirty ground but there was no luck.

Fruits, bags, vegetables were all that were noticed as well as boxes and the tables and chairs. The aroma of the band of colors laying on the tables with prices and labels already stuck to them could be smelt, so strong yet not lively enough.

The surrounding and atmosphere was too crowded with sweaty adults and bags swaying from side to side, some as heavy as if there were rocks in them, and some light as a feather and dull yet still being in fashion, isn't that interesting much?

And there stood a skinny old man, who sat on an old wooden box, bags with nicely cut watermelon on them, with a sign attached "free watermelon". He looked like a simple old man, perhaps poor since he wore a torn grey shirt and a 3⁄4 jeans that looked as if it had been through a lot.

A pang in my heart was felt, feeling sorry for this old man, and there I saw it.., a lonely dollar lying on the floor. Unaware of the heartless shoes and sandals that slowly took away the life from it.

Can't they hear the silent cries of this poor lifeless bill?

How can they be so heartless?

"Yes!" I shouted in my mind, running towards the dollar and scooping it up with my small hands not caring of the germs that lie in this dollar.

Heading towards the man, I handed him the dollar and he looked at me with gratefulness in his eyes and let out a big "thank you", making me feel happy on the inside, that I've made someone smile today, and got my watermelon which simply made the atmosphere a little less heavy and unbearable.

Eunoia • Book OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon